Contessa Hailey is wishing for Peace of Mind. Me too. I wish it were this easy to make my plumbbob platinum. As a matter of fact, she's lucky I played this round a year ago or she wouldn't be making wishes without being taxed out the wazoo.
Having a butler is a service that will be rare in the future Apple Grove. To add a touch of realism and a bit more of a challenge, in the future only seriously rich sims should have butlers. I don't know anyone with a butler, so I don't think the good life should be so easy for my sims. However, vampires can really use some help in the daytime, so they may have to come up with another plan for the future.
The Browns got a random scenario to adopt a pet, but not only that. They have to train it to be a very naughty pet and then pass it on to another family. Since Swift is a complete doofus, this should take awhile. Oh joy. Swift was Pooka and Izzie's puppy from the Tucker's house. She was first given to Charles Fletcher, but he chose to give her up for adoption to the shelter because she wouldn't eat.
The first thing she did upon arrival was start destroying an antique end table. Swift is naturally naughty, so this might actually be a piece of cake to teach her all the bad habits.
Thanks to jungfrun68, I know she will eat out of the expensive pet bowl. Using a cheap bowl was probably the cause of her not eating in the past when she belonged to Charles and Devan.
Officer Aaron Carlson was the one who delivered Swift to their house. "Mmmm... I sink zis cop is yummy." Does she crave his hot body or his warm blood? It's probably both. Fortunately, he doesn't remember anything unusual about his visit except a creepy tingling feeling on the back of his neck.
There goes the Contessa, stalking off to work. She is serious about cooking, and seriously cooking in the sun.
With her masters asleep or at work all day, Swift has a blast digging through the Browns garbage on a regular basis. Maybe it's the blood donation bags in there that make it especially appealing.
Smokin hot Daniel cooks a little in the sun because he wants me to get a good picture of him in his astronaut uniform before he races to his coffin. Tomorrow he will be trading it in for a general's uniform. That's right, he has reached the top of the military career.
Daniel praises Swift for the lovely pee puddle she left on the living room carpet. What a er... good dog.
However, Swift's trash antics did not impress Alec Ebadi at all. However, Alec quickly forgot the mess and gave Daniel a perfect garden score. Alec went home with a slight headache and needed to lie down.
Watch out citizens of Apple Grove! It looks like the Contessa is actively seeking secret ingredients for her next meal.
I see Daniel is here at Tucker's Toys & More to buy a water wiggler so Swift can bathe herself.
And of course having been to Twikkii Island means that no outing is complete without singing a sea chantey. Sigh.
Daniel and the Contessa decided to stop to hunt for fresh blood at Apple Grove Cabins & Camping. It seems they have to be aware of the time so they can either hurry home before daybreak or sleep in the tent all day. They chose to stay, and luckily did not get up before the sun set the next evening.
And apparently the Contessa found a little something extra in that tent.
Why do pregnant sims change their hairstyles? Hormones? Mood swings? Cornrows were quite a change for the Contessa. I hate it.
I decided she needed a hairstyle a little closer to her usual style since her usual style is apparently not an option. I'm not sure why she's out in the daylight sizzling away. I assume she got outside, and I just sent her to work because it was closer than getting her back in her coffin. I can't be sure, though. Maybe I was bored and decided to risk her life for a promotion.
Whoa! What have we here, a dog fight???
Yep, and poor Swift lost the fight, and feels completely humiliated. Now she has to leave.
Yes, definitely! She is fully trained in every possible bad habit. Vampires have a great deal of difficulty caring for pets since they have to sleep all day. She will not be missed.
And who needs this well-trained animal more than Daniel's sister Devan who lost him §25,000 by laundering money at the laundry mat in the last round? Besides, it was her dog anyway. Now that Swift's eating problem is solved, there's no reason why Devan shouldn't get her pet back. Now that Swift has learned all the bad behaviors it should be a blast.
Where are you going Daniel?
The Contessa is going to stalk to the shuttle. They're heading to Three Lakes to feed off the residents there for awhile and give the anemic sims of Apple Grove a vacation. I think the local stores are running out of iron supplements.
I wish I could remember where I downloaded this cute 1x1 cabin to give the builder credit. Please tell me if you happen to know.
I boarded up all the windows and added coffins so they could sleep as soon as they arrived.
The Contessa stalks everywhere, and likes to sneak up on people as well.
But she did do one good deed while on vacation, calling to report a pickpocket.
Daniel tries to blend in with the locals and other vacationers, but the Contessa doesn't even try to blend in. She prefers to openly stalk the people of Three Lakes instead of learning to slap dance.
She's pretty, but frightening. Pretty frightening.
I think she's wondering if Bigfoot blood is tasty. I doubt it, plus she would have to pick a lot of hairs out of her mouth for even a taste. Bigfoot is lucky he's so unappealing.
Daniel and the Contessa stay in Bigfoot's cabin throughout the day meditating in order to stay longer and try to truly befriend Bigfoot. His name is Stephen, BTW. It will be more beneficial to compel his servitude rather than try to use him as a food source. They really can't afford to keep the butler.
Daniel got to know Stephen, who as it turns out is Mark Bigfoot's cousin. Stephen took over the cabin when Mark went to live in Apple Grove with the Tucker family. Daniel offered to let Stephen come live with him, and Stephen decided to go because he wanted a real bed, a toilet, and a fridge with foods in it besides fish. Well, he may have been compelled a little too. Who knows with vampires. You can't really trust them.
After all their goals have been met in Three Lakes and they are full to the brim with blood, they take a little time to enjoy the night air and do some studying.
Wow, I forgot vampire sims don't have a reflection. Creepy-cool.
I wonder if werewolves and bigfoot get along? Maybe the pack leader is there to try to warn Stephen about his new family.
This doesn't look like it could possibly work to keep her alive with her being out in the daylight, although maybe the rain is cooling her skin a bit.
Yes, out of necessity, her coffin is temporarily out on the sidewalk. She just got promoted to Restaurateur.
Now that we have Stephen, he brought his big appetite and is constantly cooking food. He also wants to be a Celebrity Chef like the Contessa. It seems he actually missed fish after having a break from them for awhile. He's probably smart to cook his own meals. I think he is aware on a subconscious level that something is amiss...
It's funny to see Stephen sleeping in pink floral bedding, but he has to enjoy the comfort of living with the Browns. It is much nicer than his cabin in the woods, and even has plumbing.
Stephen is going to wish for Peace of Mind. He's going to need it when he figures out the truth about the Browns.
And as we leave, I see Daniel preparing lobster thermidor. Don't let it fool you, though. They always use "secret ingredients" in all their meals, so I wouldn't accept any dinner invitations there. You would probably live, but would most certainly be a part of dinner. The secret's in the sauce.
Scoring: 1 point for Daniel reaching the top of the military career, 3 points for Daniel getting all of his Lifetime Aspiration Benefits, and 1 point for Daniel earning a Cuisine hobby plaque. The population of Apple Grove is currently 46, with a total population of 48.
Bigfoot is fun to have around. :)
I do love Bigfoots (feet?). Apple Grove has 2 now, and I'm sure as the population increases, I'll probably have a few more moving there. I think I can have one per 25 residents. I just wish that there was some way to make them more individually recognizable.
Your vacation spots will be full of vampires soon! It's so funny, nearly makes me want a vampire of my own.
By the way, I'm amazed you remembered that it was me suggesting the food bowl was the trick for the dog! Thanks :)
Your vacation spots will be full of vampires soon! It's so funny, nearly makes me want a vampire of my own.
I have to admit that didn't let them actually transform anyone else - yet. For the story, they are living off blood, but not killing or transforming people. I just pretend they add blood to their food, or that the red jello is blood. It makes them actually seem like vampires to pretend this. ;)
Vampires are fun, but tedious to play, especially because I make mine to lead "normal" lives of going to work in the daytime which pushes them to the brink of death all the time.
Oh, and I did appreciate your comment helping with the dog that time. I was completely baffled, LOL.
creepy vampires are creepy, but these two seem fun... I'm guessing Stephen Bigfoot is going to be the baby's primary care-giver when he or she is born. That will be fun :D
This is a fun family of vampires, and yes, a bit creepy too. :) I have yet to get a vampire in either of my hoods, but I really want to sometime. :)
Thanks, ciyrose. :) I like the vampires, but they are really high maintenance to keep alive. They tend to have no natural self-preservation, and do stuff like get out of their coffins in the daytime, stand outside in the sun, etc. They're a pain. ;)
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