And now it's time to see what the college kids are doing. The former Académie Le Tour has been renamed University of Applebama. It's always been just 20 miles from Apple Grove, but now it's lost it's fancy French name.
Here are our graduates from the Webb family, just waiting to go home and start their prosperous adult lives.
And here are the freshman college students from the Bauer family, ready to take over at the Urele Greek House.
Wilson punched his fist into the wall and banged his head on the mirror. He can't believe that I let him graduate college and head home still a virgin. He thought college was supposed to be full of fun, and he didn't get to frivol even once. "It was just work, work, work... blah, blah, blah..." (I'm not listening to him anymore)
Don't look at me that way. Go home. And button your shirt, silly.
At least Taft was really happy. I just love her.
Reagan stayed behind to welcome Jason and Amiee to Greek life before she left the campus. Jason was pretty apprehensive. He wasn't sure if he was ready for wild college life. He's in no danger of that happening, though. Wilson could have reassured him there was no chance of that, unless it was his LTW.
I finally changed Jason's hair. In reality, he has blond hair. At first he cringed - he didn't like the change.
But he seems to be adjusting to his new look.
Kiera Andrews really thinks he's hot, but he's a bit shy, and not very interested in her.
Amiee used Twojeffs' crystal ball and this guy, Ocean Cameron, was her best match of any single guy in all of Apple Grove and University of Applebama. Unfortunately, his job is a getaway driver. At first I thought I should really find someone better for Amiee. But now that I think about it, he's really perfect for her. It just makes sense that she would pick a balding criminal with a combover in a bowling shirt. She's attracted to stink and hard work. I can almost smell him now, and I guess he probably does work hard - at being a loser.
Jason lacks dance skills, which is fun to watch.
Jason is one of the most fastidious sims in Apple Grove. I see him with his mirror out more than any other sim. He's very concerned about looking his best. No clump of spinach is going to go undetected. He needs to wear a shirt, though. These college sims prefer to live life in their pajamas. I guess that's fairly realistic.
Amiee and Ocean go in for the kiss. If they get lucky, their lips may eventually touch.
Amiee gave him a cell phone. Ocean didn't have a phone, so Amiee wanted to make sure he had no excuses not to call her. He should definitely either keep in touch, or leave the state. With Amiee it's all or nothing...
♫ It cain't be 'in between'
It cain't be 'now and then'
No half and half romance will do! ♫
Ocean's quite a catch, Amiee. Obviously a brilliant scientific mind at work here.
Jason did finally give in and got a first kiss from Kiera. It was a bit awkward.
The blond cheerleader has been going to college for quite a long time. The Fletchers were the first from Apple Grove to attend college at U of A, and she was a cheerleader back then. They are all married with children now. I wonder if she'll ever graduate. She sure isn't happy that Jason is hogging the computer. Since I think there are 3 others in the house that she can use, I'm not too sympathetic.
I think the parrot must be an escapee, because it can't be native to this area.
Amiee explains that the key to a really good grilled cheese is to use lots of very dark olive oil instead of butter. She likes to buy it in 55 gallon steel drums. Amiee wants to be a Celebrity Chef, just like most of the citizens of Apple Grove. I'm not sure how many cooking shows the town can support. They may soon have more people doing shows than people watching them.
An interesting thing I noticed while writing this was that I somehow skipped posting Amiee's transition to teen and aspiration and LTW. I had to go back and look through all my pictures to discover that she was originally a Family sim who wanted to be Captain Hero. It really didn't suit her personality, so I had her reroll at University. She is now a Pleasure sim, with a secondary sideorder of grilled cheese.
Amiee explains to me that when she graduates from college, she would like me to make her a giant grilled cheese. While I'm enthusiastic about the idea, I'm not sure where I can buy bread or a pan that big. She may have to settle for a platter of the standard-sized grilled cheese sandwiches.
Uh, it's not what you think. I was just, er... holding it for someone else for a minute. I didn't inhale...
"Oh no you di'int!" I'm not sure what he did, but he looks scared. I'm sure he'll never do it again around Amiee.
The cow mascot begs to not be shot with the ray gun. Jason is not feeling merciful.
The coach should really be smart enough to stay away from Urele House. She should know better than to try to boss around sims with this much influence. Instead of doing a workout, Amiee convinced her to fix the broken computer, something she didn't know how to do. She got quite a nasty shock. Jason was pretty worried about her.
Then to add insult to injury in her already weakened state, Amiee convinced her to slap dance in her charred underwear.
Apparently, thirty-something-year-old cheerleader Mehrissa Dai is really into Jason.
After spending a lot of time together, they found out they had a great deal in common. She must be a secret geek. Maybe she won't be the oldest cheerleader in Applebama for long, though.
The chemistry between them is strong - 3 bolts of attraction. And she does look well-preserved for her age. Jason is a family sim who wants to graduate 3 children from college. Maybe Mehrissa will be the one to help him with that.
Jason decided to use the genie lamp that was recently left of the doorstep by the matchmaker. Hopefully he's not wasting a wish on something trivial. And what's with the green stink cloud? I was just bragging on how neat you were.
He was going to wish for Peace of Mind, but decided his most immediate wish would be pants for this guy. Unfortunately, that wish was wasted, as streakers tend to own pants, but choose to opt out.
With all the other stuff he had to do at University, Jason still managed to write a successful sci-fi novel called Rainy Day Invasion. On the back cover it reads: "The Earth is invaded and all seems lost until a brilliant way is discovered to rid the planet of the evil aliens." Because he's so creative, he was able to sell it for §3,135. Look for it on Anyway, I forgot to mention that Jason is a Literature major, but it makes sense. He is talented and enjoys writing IRL.
Unfortunately, they weren't paying close enough attention to their budget, and the maid ended up taking the kitchen sink as payment for his services, and then refused to come back.
I knew the fashion police would eventually catch him for that outfit.
Thankfully, all they did to him was give him a cool jacket and let him join their secret society. Amiee did not get to join. I'm sure it's because they were afraid of her.
Both Amiee and Jason became Big Sim on Campus and were able to graduate Summa Cum Laude, among many other boring accomplishments I'll list under scoring.
Scoring: Jason - 4 points for hobby plaques: Games, Fitness, Cuisine, Film and Literature
Amiee - 3 points for hobby plaques: Nature, Music and Dance, Arts and Crafts. Both got gardening and fishing gold badges.
I've not been able to read this challenge story all the way from the beginning yet, but I must make time for that soon so I get to know who everybody is. It is still funny to read, even if you don't know though! :) LOL
You really do have a way with words ...
Thank you, Nonikk. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thank you for commenting. :)
Your sim kids have great facial expressions, and especially Jason looks a lot like his mother ;)
Good luck to all the Webbs back in the main hood. I think Jason looks really cute as a blonde, and he and the cheerleader look really cute together. The cracks about Ocean were too funny but if he makes Aimee happy then I guess he'll be ok.
Uni can be a very long and annoying process sometimes. lol....good job with all those plaques and stuff. I like the cheerleader with Jason!
Thanks, ciyrose. :) I like Jason with the cheerleader too.
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