Friday, June 19, 2009

The Tuckers: Round 5 / Martin Marries & More

I lost my satellite internet since my last update due to some crazy lightning that defied surge protectors. After some scary moments of crackling inside my house, I'm just thankful to still have my computer, which happened to be on. Anyway, we could have paid for replacement of the fried equipment (not really keen on exact technological terms for what fried - the box with the flashy blue lights, lol). But anyway, we have been so unhappy with for so long, that this seemed like a sign to get out and save ourselves some money. Dial-up is cheap, although slower and less reliable. Blogger hates my dial-up more than it hated But, I will just deal with it. The good news is that DSL may be coming to my area sometime this year.

So, Apple Grove updates may have to get a little smaller for now. I cut out half the pictures this time, which actually is probably better anyway. You don't really have to see every promotion and aging spin, do you? LOL These type pictures are boring, but I'm in the habit of taking them. I can still take them as reminders to myself, but the updates might be more interesting without some of the more typical event photos.


Here we are at the beginning of Round 5! I'm always glad to see the Tuckers again.

The Sims 3: My Opinion

First of all, let me say that Apple Grove is not in any current danger from TS3. I hadn't even planned on buying it until I lost some more weight as an incentive to myself, and even then I wasn't sure I wanted it. I was going to wait and see and read what others had to say before deciding. But, it arrived in the mail anyway! It was a birthday present from my oldest child Jason, which was very, very sweet of him.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rose and Violet Hamilton: Round 4 / Nuts and Fruits

It took me over a month to update - sorry. I don't know why I just didn't make it happen sooner. Since this is the end of Round 4, I'm hoping Round 5 will capture my interest more than the last few families have. I also have some plans of adding a few things to spice it up a little. So yeah, hopefully another update will be coming soon.

Last time we saw the Hamilton girls, they were at University. If you remember, Rose wore a wedding veil all through college. She still very much wants to get married to a rich sim, but is maybe trying to look less desperate and crazy.

Hmm... This doesn't look furnished even though Rose and Violet paid extra for it to be furnished. This was formerly the Brown's house, a miniature townhouse. The man who bought it, Adrian Mendoza, built 3 more houses like it and made them into rental units.