Sims don't really need 12-step programs. If you remember, Rudy is addicted to old ladies. But he has no need to fear because he does have a higher power, and she will make him powerless to chase them anymore. He does notice that his wife Zoe, while not an old lady, does have some nice smooth skin. Don't feel bad, Rudy. One day Zoe will be old, and then you can be happy.

But now you are going to be a dad - something an old lady couldn't give you.

And here is the baby.

He decides to name her Wendy's since that's what he craved the most during Zoe's pregnancy.

Rudy is so excited about fatherhood. He has a daughter!

She is a pretty baby, but then most sim babies start out pretty.

Rudy continues his magical studies.

Yawn. Knowledge sims are kind of boring to play without other aspirations around because they just want to sit around and study all the time.

And wouldn't you know it - Zoe is afraid to change diapers. The way around this is to bathe the baby, which is dumb. In reality it would be grosser to bathe a baby and keep the same diaper, but what do sims know about reality?

It looks especially stupid that the baby is wearing a shirt while being bathed, but I like the shirts as those babies always look cold without clothes or even a blanket.

See, even baby Wendy appears bored. Boring, boring knowledge sims. I love that they are easily occupied with a book, but boring...

Without any available jobs in the Adventurer career, Rudy continues to work in Oceanography. He's now a Deep Sea Fisherman. That must be a very long commute as there are no large bodies of water in Apple Grove.

Zoe got this huge but nifty candy machine for all her hard work in the Culinary career path. For some inexplicable reason, if she practices making candy she will get her own cooking show someday. Personally, I don't see the connection.

Thankfully, the candies are 100% fat and calorie free. They must be, er, tasty.

Shhh.... don't tell his sister Sophie, but Rudy is studying some neutral magic. He wants to get better at magic, but he doesn't want to turn atrociously evil like her. He still plans on being a dark warlock - just enough to wear the black robes because he doesn't want to get on Sophie's bad side. Plus, he thinks that old ladies really go for the bad boys. Whatever you want to think, Rudy. It won't matter because I'm keeping you away from them.

Oh no, he's saving the whales now. But it's a desk job, so he probably can work closer to home.

Shenene, why??? There is no reason to cook up a turkey for a couple with a baby. They're going to have to eat turkey leftovers forever now. They don't want turkey, they want burgers!

Never mind.

Wendy's is now a toddler.

Awww... she's so... mean. Just one measley nice point.

Zoe just fulfilled a second Lifetime Want. It doesn't count for points, but she reached the top of the career which does.

See, Rudy is not evil. He's actually a caring father who wants to teach things to his kid.

Uh-oh! Risky Woohoo is so risky that my sims usually only get it once a week. And still...

I know, Zoe. Believe me - I'm bummed too.

With another mouth to feed on the way, Rudy decides to make candy. The way he can learn and make money at the same time.

Having learned all her toddler skills, Wendy is ready to become a big girl.

She's a cutie. That style of hair always looks kinda red to me, so...
It isn't a big stretch to go for the Wendy's look, is it?

Wendy's finds it very funny. She has a really wicked laugh, too.

Rudy has now learned to travel the magical way, which is cool. I'm not looking that Magiv- word up again, okay?

The best thing to do with a rotten kid - or any kid - is make them study cooking - that way they get high quality muffins from the toy stove and can feed themselves. Yes, I am mean that way. My real life kids didn't have Easy-Bake ovens, but they learned early on how to make a sandwich. Wouldn't it have been cool if the game allowed kids to use the microwave and make sandwiches and stuff that doesn't require the actual stove? Ah well, at least there are muffins.

You can't pass up that bookshelf, so go for it, Zoe!
Fine then, be that way.

I think someone dropped the ball and forgot to actually check for snow before canceling school. Nevertheless, Wendy's was happy to have the day off.

Which was good anyway, since they were moving out of their apartment.

At that point Wendy's started annoying everyone with her showing off, and since she now had the option of going to school, I had her walk. Beat it, kid. LOL

Here are a few views of their new house at 1 Orchard Way. This is also known as 8 Small Street on MTS2.



Okay, this will about do it. We'll leave them for now.

And here is Rudy's family tree.
Scoring: 1 point for adding Wendy's to the neighborhood & 1 point for Zoe reaching the top of the Culinary career. The current population of Apple Grove is 39. The total population is 41 now.
OMG I love the name Wendy's. *cough* sounds something *cough* like mine *cough*
Protector of Whales, ha! I love those crazy career outfits. I'm actually partial to knowledge sims, but they don't make for exciting plot lines. It was great reading your update. I haven't even opened my game in a week, and it could be anoher week before I can get to it.
I love the way that Wendy's isn't just Wendy but she's plural - that is awesome.
too funny, Wendy's huh... nice.
grats on the TOC and ya, Wendy needs a sibling to bore w/ the showing off
i just got my first witch. i love her
Rudy is a cutie and such a good Daddy
I missed this update since it's not announced on your front page. But now I've got a Blogger account of my own and you won't get rid of me, hehe!
Everybody said it already, but I think Wendy's is a fun name
OMG, that Wendy's birth announcement is awesome! LOL
I always hate it when a sim has a fear of changing diapers. I usually just make them do it anyway. :P I the joy in playing a knowledge house is associated with what you have recently played. I've been playing through some of my bigger/tougher families lately and would LOVE to have this house next. :D Sometimes boring is nice after tons of chaos.
Awww...Wendy's cute! Too bad she mean, but she's CUTE! I never have my sim kids use the oven...I should. Fun house!
Thanks, ciyrose. :) I really like this family, especially Rudy. Zoe is kind of boring to me, but I think you're right - it's good sometimes not to have tons of chaos.
I get a lot of mean kids in Apple Grove now, and I don't know why. If I weren't lazy, I would have their parents encourage niceness. ;)
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