Oh yeah, and they moved out of their apartment and into this nice, affordable home. As fortune sims, I'm sure they wish they could have taken out a large mortgage on a huge house, but I decided that in these trying economic times that they should be realistic and buy a house they could afford.
Things got a little crazy and there was much concern for Heath, who had aspiration failure during the move. This is not the type of aspiration failure where the shrink comes and you lose a Prosperity point. That would have been child's play. No, this was Heath getting amnesia and forgetting to have an aspiration at all. This made he and Lara stand around, unable to do anything. At first I didn't know what the problem was, but at MATY a very helpful person suggested I check to see if they had aspirations, and sure enough - Heath's was blank. So, I had him use that orb thing to give him back his fortune aspiration, and all seems to be well. He seems to remember he is a fortune sim now.

The house they bought is called the Bottle House by beatdoc16. It's located on 26 Orchard Way by the railroad tracks and next to the Apple Grove Depot.

Lamaze class?

No, just TV. I have Squinge's hack that lets them sit on the floor, however they really need a couch.

My daughter Cassandra and Aloe and Belladonna Tucker are the welcome wagon today.

Lara is attempting to hang loose, even though she's never been to Twikkii Island. Good, as maybe that is one less vacation memory she will have to earn.

Chili con carne is really good plant food. Who knew? I'm thinking maybe I should try spreading my leftover chili around my RL plants.

Since Apartment Life, I try to have my sims meet as many people as possible, because you just never know what kind of lucky breaks you can get from knowing the right people. I have found that to be true in RL as well, although sometimes the reverse can also be true. Sometimes I also find there are people I wish I did not know. Don't worry, I'm 99.9% sure I'm not referring to you, dear reader. ;)

Here is another view of the Fancey's new house.

Heath is on another outing with his co-worker Vamsi in order to try to earn another military promotion. My daughter Cassandra really wants to talk to her too, though, which is making this outing take a long, long time - which has Heath slouching.

Of course, after all that effort to get a military promotion, Heath was finally able to get his foot in the Dance career door as an aerobics instructor.

But look! Vamsi brought him a very nice vase for his efforts, so all was not in vain. Thanks Vamsi!

Lara continued her mechanical studies while home on maternity leave. I'm glad for that, as Warhead disarmer doesn't sound like the safest job for an expectant mother - or anyone really.

For some inexplicable reason, Heath actually changed into this to go to work. I'm just wondering how aerobics the class went with him wearing that cheap polyester suit. It had to be hot and uncomfortable, not to mention ridiculous-looking, to work out in that.

Lara's sister Sophie and stepdad Clinton stopped by for a visit.

Sophie apparently has some kind of agenda, as is typical for her.

Clinton and Lara are gossiping about Catherine Todd, formerly Catherine Tucker.

They think it's so funny how she married Charlie - the much younger man with the Mohawk.

Her laughter at the Todds sent her into labor.

Soon there was another Fancey.

Lara had baby girl, which was what her sister Sophie had wanted. Being atrociously evil meant that Sophie had little choice but to be really jealous.

Everyone seemed to be excited about the new bundle of joy.

Sophie had recently gave birth to a baby boy she named Havelock. She was hoping her sister would also get stuck with a baby boy. But, since Lara was lucky and had a girl, she would now curse the baby with an evil curse. Her curse was that her sister Lara would name the baby something dumb. Her nefarious plan worked.

Lara, a fortune sim, thought a French name would sound high-class. Sophie suggested the name Coupon and somehow convinced Lara and Heath that it was a fantastic name. To me, Coupon Fancey sounds like a magazine for serious coupon collectors. But who knows, maybe in these trying economic times Coupon IS a good name.

The scale of these bottles always amuses me. The poor baby cannot possibly hold that much milk.

Did you know that if you let your sims slap dance too long, they begin square dancing? Consider yourself warned.

Heath is looking at that Gavigan woman that everyone likes to spy on. What is it about her that's so appealing/and or interesting? Maybe we don't want to know - could be some pretty disturbing stuff going on over there.

In order to fulfill their Lifetime Wants in their careers, they had to get a nanny, This time Genesis Cormier showed up. I really don't know that much about her yet.

It's interesting to see that the wardrobe for disarming warheads lies somewhere between that of being a cat burglar and a firefighter.
Genesis seems to be a typical nanny, thinking babies thrive by spending time lying on the cold, hard floor.

Instead of ordering an evacuation, Lara tries dismantling the wiring of the stadium's gigantic TV.

And thankfully, baby Coupon still has a mommy.

Heath came home from work wearing his backup dancer clothes. Dude, fix your pants leg! That's really going to bug me.

Lara is now a hostage negotiator. I hope there isn't a big need for that kind of job here in Apple Grove.

Lara's Aunt Beverly, who helped raise her and her brothers and sister and then married Forrest Hamilton the cat fancier, came by for a visit. My guess is she came to see Coupon, her grand-niece.

Heath volunteered to fill in for one of the lead dancers who was sick. Let's hope he fixed his pants leg.
Heath does well enough as a lead dancer to get a job as a Jazzercise teacher. Is that a promotion?

So apparently I was right, and Jazzercise does sound a bit out-dated even to EAxis. But who am I to be negative about any kind of exercise? I'm personally getting into it seriously for the first time in my life, so if you like it, I say Jazzercise!

Lara's friendship with Jimu Outhouse did finally pay off. She will now get higher wages in the Adventurer career just from knowing him.

Lara's adventures have lead her to find the Skull of Jumbok IV. She can now proudly display it - on her porch.

Uh, okay - that's a new development. I couldn't think of a reason why she shouldn't let him give Rebecka her number, although I thought it was a bit odd. I hope she doesn't turn out to be some kind of crazy stalker.
I recently read somewhere that if you stick a tent in the yard, guests will sometimes go sleep there.

I stuck a tent in the yard just in case Bigfoot decided he had been invited to spend the night.

Heath is now a Pop 'n Lock performer. Whatever. I'll just be glad when he gets a new work uniform.

Lara also got promoted - to a career possibly more mysterious to me than Pop 'n Lock performer.

Heath looks thrilled about celebrating the baby's birthday.

But he tried to look a little more enthused. Lara, your turn!

OK guys, good! Fake it for the camera!

Lara doesn't even stay for cake, because it's Friday night.
What's with all the mean toddlers of Apple Grove?

Heath and Lara get to be the first sims to start the Friday night date tradition. They decide to go to Apple Grove Cabins & Camping, which is currently the only place you can sleep overnight in Apple Grove.

I guess they'll be wanting some privacy.

The bellhop thought the table placement in the cabin was inadequate for whatever reason, so he felt that holding the room service tray indefinitely was the responsible choice.

They decided to go by and check out the newly constructed car lot, but apparently there was no inventory yet. The dealership will have to be locally owned and operated before cars can be sold here.

My husband Scott and Charlie Todd were sitting in the break room with a couple of townies, hoping there would soon be something to do other than watch TV.

In her enthusiasm to look at cars, Contessa Hailey materialized in the fancy rotating car display, only to discover that there was nothing to look at - except that her legs are now part of the display.

While they were out and still had energy left, they thought it might be fun to go see the depot. They weren't planning on taking a train anywhere, but were curious.

The red-haired woman Vamsi appears to be trying to purchase a ticket to Greece. I doubt the train runs that far.

Sim-watching can be entertaining, sort of like people-watching. Right now I'm wondering where the red-haired woman is heading. Did she manage to get her ticket to Greece? And what about Mr. Fashion? Where did he get his amazing sense of style?

My son-in-law Morgan stopped by for a visit.

Nanny Shenene hates him.

And judging by their expressions, it seems their feelings are mutual.

OK, she's just on a mean nanny roll tonight. What happened? I used to brag on you, Shenene! You know, the Shibatas do have a cow plant...

This was the only place in the house where there was room to potty train Coupon. As in real life, I'm always relieved when this chore is over. And it seems it's just in time too...

Uh-oh, I guess Lara got more than she bargained for on her Friday night date.

When sims have a really small house, I like to have them teach their toddlers to walk outside if the weather is good. Is it just me, or does it seem to go faster without obstructions?

Heath decided to keep it old school.
And keeping it old school was a good choice.

Heath is now a Dance Video Star. Could this mean a wardrobe change finally? We can only hope.

I love the renewing effects of the energizer, especially for pregnant sims.

I'm sure you're wondering whose wedding they are attending.

There is no wedding, but I thought they could be the first to try out my experimental Sunday services in honor of... ME! ;) It did not go so well, as this was not the Political career reward podium, but the Vocational school podium from Paladin's Place. That one has to be used with tables and notebooks - I forgot that. So, next time I will have a proper podium for them so they can show proper devotion.

Poor Brian, I guess his visit to the reception hall is bringing back memories of how I made him get married to Dagmar. It seems to be making him really sad to think about how he's not single anymore. Get over it, Brian. You're a dad now, and have responsibilities. I'm unlikely to let you have any more fun catting around. Repent of your evil ways! LOL

Since Heath was wearing a robe, he looked the closest to some kind of clergy. It didn't work out though, and he did his typical slouch despite the 2 teleprompters telling him to say how wonderful I am. You'd think as a Dance Video Star he'd have learned to stand up straight.

Even though it was Sunday, I let them walk over to Bluestone Performing Arts.

I can't imagine the karaoke song my son-in-law Morgan could have chosen to sing. He does really love music, but this is just not what I could ever imagine seeing him do.

♫ Baby, when I met you there was peace unknown
I set out to get you with a fine tooth comb
I was soft inside, there was somethin going on... ♫

♫ You do something to me that I cant explain
Hold me closer and I feel no pain
Every beat of my heart
We got somethin goin on... ♫

Finally, Moragn had had enough. I really can't blame him. I also have a very low tolerance for some music and some singers. For example, I can't stand to watch American Idol. I know, I'm just weird that way. I hear people talking about it and would love to participate, but I just can't make myself watch.

Mary Gavigan bravely endures "Islands in the Stream," but only in hopes of giving them a smackdown when they finish singing. She really hates everyone in Apple Grove who owns a telescope, so that's pretty much everyone.

Here she is waiting for Rudy to finish his song so she can hit him too.

See, the Fanceys love spying on Mary. I don't remember ever seeing that want before - that's so funny!

Lara's little brother Rudy stopped by for a visit. It's Coupon's birthday today.

Shenene was babysitting while they went out on their date and was still there to cook up something huge that they don't even need.

It's that time again. Coupon sure is growing up fast!

Heath has decided to hide from the camera because he's in his pajamas.

Nanny Shenene got right in the way with cooking up some ribs when Coupon tried to transition to child.

But fortunately, her birthday wasn't completely ruined.

For her birthday she got a framed picture that will reserve her desk for her homework, poor kid. ;)

She's a pretty little girl who looks a lot like her mother Lara.

And here she is - off to her first day of school. Hopefully, the kids at school won't tease her too bad about her name. Nah, they'll be merciless.

Here is an updated family tree for Lara.
Scoring: 1 point for adding Coupon to the neighborhood. The total population of Apple Grove is 41. The current population is 39.
Ah, you're back! I have missed Apple Grove.
Coupon - how do you come up with names like that?! :)
Yayy!! An Apple Grove update!
That was so funny when the minister slouched despite the words on the teleprompter about how great you are!
I need to remember to get my sims to do more stuff outside. Its really refreshing. (Maybe I should go outside more in RL, huh?)
Hahaha I laughed all the way thru this entry! Glad to see Apple Grove growing again!
Out of curiosity...how much do you micromanage your sims? Do you sort of let them do what they want or do you keep them under pretty close tabs?
Haha, glad you're back, I love Apple Grove, you're always good for a laugh! XD Also, Coupon. That is awesome! Love Sophie's curse on her sister, hehe.
Whew...glad you were able to fix Heath. Their house is very pretty, so cute with the little picket fence. :) I really like the "twilight" effect you get with that one mod.
LOL....Coupon Fancey! Too funny. She looks cute though. The baby can't hold that much milk, which is why they always end up spoiling on the floor. LOL
Yeah, I have tents in some of my bigger houses to allow the guest I apparently "invited to stay" to sleep, even though I don't invite them to stay. :P
Oooo....I really like the car lot, it looks very cool, and just like a car lot. :) Coupon is very pretty as a little girl.
Thanks for your nice comment, ciyrose. :) I do love the house made by beatdoc16. It's small, but I can't bring myself to add on or make them move yet. I also like the Fancey family, even though they are usually one of the more quiet houses to play.
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