The last time we visited the Grahams, Sophie had chosen to marry Daniel, one of her 20 conquests from college. Daniel was a sweet guy who wanted to become Captain Hero. Their first child Havelock was born, but Sophie was unhappy because she had wanted a daughter instead of a son. When not busy at work in the education field, Sophie was in the basement studying black magic and becoming atrociously evil. She conjured up a female feline familiar (say that 5 times fast, lol) that she named Merlin, who hates Daniel. Daniel is lonely, but is a good father to his son Havelock since Sophie will have little to do with either of them.

Their butler "Jeeves" likes to spend his time in the dance sphere, because that's why they're paying him the big bucks.

Yes, beautiful biceps. Now go do something useful.

I said useful. I guess Merlin likes the butler, or she would have shredded him by now.

Poor lonely guys.

Daniel is a good dad even if his life is not all he had hoped. When Sophie is home, she is always too busy to talk to him or spend time with Havelock.

Havelock shows early signs of magical ability. He can make his bottles hover.

Sophie loves to ride her broom.

Look at her go!

She went to the local Chinese Restaurant, the only restaurant in Apple Grove.

I see that my simself is there as well.

Martin Tucker eyes Sophie longingly. Dude, go home to your wife Jill. I guess he never got over that first kiss with Sophie.
Sophie had macaroni and cheese and Baked Alaska and then tried to skip out on the check.
But surprisingly, she was caught. As a skilled witch, I really expected her to be able to get away easily.

Dirty looks and having to pay the bill? Where are the police?
Martin, seriously. Go home!
This was a random scenario, BTW. I had never had a sim try to skip out on a bill before, so I had no idea how to have her pull it off. Well, apparently she decided to get even with me - big time.

I freaked out when I saw this and clicked like mad to try and stop this from happening, but it was too late. This is Elmer, my stupid sim son-in-law - Charity's husband. I didn't even know there was a guest on the lot, but when you have a butler, you can have them automatically greet people. I never foresaw this happening, but maybe I should have. Sophie is atrociously evil. I'd given her the power of ACR, and she was not afraid to use it.

Elmer looks a little sheepish now that the deed is done and he sees me looking at him. Can he see the steam coming out of my ears? I think Sophie is really proud of herself, though.
Crap, I knew I knew Elmer from somewhere. He was one of the 20 college guys she had used to fulfill her LTW.

But Elmer seems to feel a bit ill now. He is probably afraid - very afraid of what his future holds, or if he still even has one. He could not have made a worse mistake.

Having reached the top of the Education career, Sophie now decided to go into a field a little more suited to her personality and interests.

Sophie heads off to work to exorcise evil. She needs to start with herself.

She came home a cult leader - just what Apple Grove needs. I shouldn't have let her get that psychology degree. She's now starting to brainwash people.

It's November 19th, 2016 - Havelock's 6th birthday. Sophie doesn't really care. After all, he's quite a disappointment because he's a boy. She doesn't even stay for cake.

He tried to make his mother happy by choosing the pink pajamas, but she had already headed off to the basement to work on her witch-crafts.

Ian and Padi were out for a walk and made a cameo appearance. I didn't have them greeted, as this is not the kind of house I would want them to visit. Who knows what could happen to them.

Sophie looks happy to realize she's pregnant. Even though she's running to go vomit, maybe she'll have a baby girl this time.

Nine months is a long wait for the baby girl she desires more than anything else, and Sophie is looking for something to make the time pass more quickly. She decided to go into business selling items that she could craft in her cauldron. This little house seemed perfect for converting into a small business.
But as soon as she opened the doors of her new business, she received a bad review.

I can't believe she's not very angry and casting a spell on this evil Lisa Pons woman right now. It seems she must have one weakness - gingerphobia.

However, she was not discouraged by the bad review and continued to work even harder to make her small business a success.

She is selling mostly potions and reagents to the citizens in Apple Grove. I can't imagine why there would be a high demand for these things. If you can see in the background, one of Sophie's employees is that college girl Brian Tucker slept with - the one who dresses like Mrs. Santa.

Maura Trimble dropped by for a coven meeting, but Sophie was too overbooked with her cult meetings and her sorcery shop.

The good witches also liked to drop by now and then just to tick her off with their Beautificus Locus spells.

I looked her up, and Anna Nott is the girl who dresses like Mrs. Santa.
Clearly, she is delusional. If Nott, she is under some kind of spell, or maybe one of Sophie's cult followers.

Look, it's a puddle drinking a poodle! I mean a poodle drinking a puddle.

I'm not sure why my simself is visiting Sophie's Sorcery Shop. Presumably I'm looking for some anti-aging tonic or some hair color. I'm not looking forward to the day when my simself becomes an elder, which for her is drawing ever nearer.

It looks like an elusive Grand Vampire has come by, but he didn't stay. I guess he wasn't interested in a cure for his vampirism. Other than Contessa Hailey and Daniel Brown, we never really see any vampires in Apple Grove. Of course, depending on the vampire, that could be a good thing.
Yeah, well she used to be at the the top as Education Minister, moron - most likely your boss at some point. I doubt she would want to quit her job as a Cult Leader to become an Elementary School Teacher. I also doubt you would really want her shaping young minds.

Sophie finally took a break and returned home for awhile.

Her older brother Charles had come by to visit, but I guess she was too busy to talk to him. He fell asleep in his spoiled turkey dinner.

Uh Charles, please wake up completely and look at what you're doing. Eww.

Havelock is extremely outgoing (10 outgoing) and loves to meet new people. He's a very lonely boy most of the time. Here he's meeting Desire Shibata. He really only has one parent that pays any attention to him, and that's his dad who is busy being Police Chief.

Havelock also met Aerosmith Tucker who has the famous rockstar dad, Brian Tucker.

Merlin is her usual charming self, lying in wait to shred passersby like Washington Webb.

Sophie is in her usual spot in the basement, when she isn't at work as a Cult Leader or at the Sorcery Shop. Unless she needs something from him, Daniel can't expect even to talk to Sophie.

Havelock is so lonely he's now being visted by a pooka in the form of a large pink rabbit.

Sophie finally decided to take a break and magically transport herself upstairs to the bathroom, the smallest room in the house.

Unfortunately, she didn't quite make it, and had to give birth in the living room where I actually had a chance to get some good pictures. And now you may hate me, but this is the end of our visit with the Grahams. It's Monday morning, and time to move on to the next family. But trust me, it should be worth the wait, and it's better this way for the story - which is about to get interesting in Round 6.
1 point for Sophie reaching the top of the Paranormal career, 1 point for Sophie earning her Arts & Crafts plaque, and -1 point for Havelock's social bunny visit. The population of Apple Grove is currently 50, with a total population of 52.
Most interesting update! And very funny as usual. My butlers tend to stand around in the kitchen. It would be nice seeing them actually doing something when there is no cleaning to be done. And I see you still have ACR installed. :) I am just getting used to it.
The house Sophie bought for her business is supercute. Really the right thing for a witch. Did you build it yourself? I think I will have to copy that. :D
Ooh, a cliffhanger!
That son-of-law of yours should be ashamed of himself, but it's his choice. Hopefully he doesn't catch anything from her. (Wouldn't it be interesting if there were some VD's in the sims? ... Or maybe not, coming to think of it)
Nonikk63 said...
Most interesting update! And very funny as usual. My butlers tend to stand around in the kitchen. It would be nice seeing them actually doing something when there is no cleaning to be done. And I see you still have ACR installed. :) I am just getting used to it.
The house Sophie bought for her business is supercute. Really the right thing for a witch. Did you build it yourself? I think I will have to copy that. :D
Yes, ACR can be very interesting, although I was so mad at those sims this time. I probably should have changed those settings, but then it was totally in character for Sophie. :P
I meant to add a link to where that little house can be downloaded, so I'm glad you mentioned it. It's by Christine, and I just added a link under the first picture of it in the post. I did redecorate the walls and change the colors of the doors and windows. It is a really cute house.
jungfrun68 said...
Ooh, a cliffhanger!
That son-of-law of yours should be ashamed of himself, but it's his choice. Hopefully he doesn't catch anything from her. (Wouldn't it be interesting if there were some VD's in the sims? ... Or maybe not, coming to think of it)
Yeah, I think I was more mad at Elmer, because I took it more personally. VD would be a fitting thing, but then I guess there is such a thing as too much realism in the sims, lol. He will probably pay somehow, though. I tend to make sure there is some kind of justice in my game. ;)
Twoflower said:
He will probably pay somehow, though. I tend to make sure there is some kind of justice in my game. ;)
Muahahaha!!! lol
Yay, I am finally caught up! I love the sorcery shop, and even though I too hate cheaty sims, I guess for an atrociously evil witch, it only seems par for the course. Elmer, though...I wouldn't want to be him right about now!
SK said...
Yay, I am finally caught up! I love the sorcery shop, and even though I too hate cheaty sims, I guess for an atrociously evil witch, it only seems par for the course. Elmer, though...I wouldn't want to be him right about now!
Yeah, Elmer is probably going to be in some trouble. ;)
I always love a Sophie update! Poor Daniel and Havelock though they look so sad. The sorcery shop is amazing, I've been considering making one of those in my hood... maybe once I get a fortune witch or warlock to run it.
Poor Havelock....actually getting a social bunny. :( I wonder if Sofie will get her girl this time. She is evil for sure, and that ACR will get those romance sims every time....especially if she already "had" him before. She already had her grips in him, she is a witch after all, and he probably was under a spell which wore off once Sofie got what she wanted. :D
Thanks for reading, ciyrose! :) I think Sophie is one of the most interesting sims in Apple Grove - I certainly do, even though I was pretty mad at her. She is what she is though - atrociously evil. I think she will continue to be a quite interesting sim. ;)
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