I didn't really get to completely finish this post 100% the way I wanted tonight, but I'm leaving for a couple of days, and I wanted to leave you with something to look at. I've been working on this post for a couple of days now. I went back and took better pictures of some of the sims, but I didn't get to retake all the pictures yet. I also didn't get the stats complete on every sim yet, but I will as soon as I can revisit every house. I won't be able to publish comments while gone either, but please know they are appreciated, and will be looked at as soon as I return. Hopefully, all the information is fairly accurate and doesn't contain any spoilers. ;)
Update Feb. 12, 2011: I did away with the individual colors and themes for the sims because it was just to complicated, but I may still continue doing it as part of the stories, but I don't want to be committed to it here. Thinking I have to find or make custom content for each sim makes me tired. ;)
Sam Tucker
(CAS) Generation 1 (born May 17, 1929 - died Nov. 23, 2009)
Zodiac: Aquarius
Personality: 4 sloppy / 4 shy / 4 lazy / 7 playful / 6 nice
Family aspiration
LTW: Golden Anniversary
Turn ons/off: fitness, glasses/ great cook
Hobby: Nature
Interests: weather, culture, entertainment, fashion, sports
Sam married Natalya April 7, 1955
Natayla (Sokolov) Tucker
(CAS) Generation 1 (born Feb. 2, 1930 - died June 14, 2001)
Zodiac: Aries
Personality: 5 neat / 8 outgoing / 6 active / 3 serious / 3 grouchy
Fortune aspiration
LTW: Chief of Staff
Turn ons/off: glasses, creative/ great cook
Hobby: Music
Interests: culture, entertainment, money, sports, health
Martin Tucker
(CAS) Generation 1 (born Dec. 22, 1983 - twin Brian)
Zodiac: Aries
Personality: 5 neat / 8 outgoing / 6 active / 3 serious / 3 grouchy
Popularity aspiration
LTW: The Law
Turn ons/off: swimsuit, blond hair/ stink
Hobby: Music
Interests: culture, entertainment, fashion, sports, environment
College: Philosophy
Martin married Jill January 1, 2014
Jill (Natale) Tucker
(Fitness Hobby Instructor NPC) Generation 2 (born Aug. 12, 1993)
Zodiac: Leo
Personality: 4 sloppy / 10 outgoing / 4 lazy / 4 serious / 3 grouchy
Popularity aspiration
LTW: 20 Best Friends
Turn ons/off: brown hair, great cook / stink
Hobby: Music & Dance
Interests: entertainment, food, environment, money, work
Artists Tucker
Generation 2 (born March 24, 2017)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Personality: 10 neat / 8 outgoing / 9 active / 3 serious / 3 grouchy
Turn ons/off
Hobby: Science
Interests: sci-fi, travel, toys, school, paranormal
Band Geeks Tucker
Generation 2 (born June 20, 2021)
Zodiac: Aries
Personality: 5 neat / 8 outgoing / 6 active / 3 serious / 3 grouchy
Turn ons/off
Hobby: Music & Dance
Interests: entertainment, school, sports, travel, sci-fi
Mark Bigfoot
born Sept.13, 1980
Zodiac: Cancer
Personality: 6 neat / 3 shy / 6 active / 4 serious / 6 nice
Fortune aspiration
LTW: Media Magnate
Hobby: Tinkering
Interests: money, environment, toys, crime, culture
Metalfoot Bigfoot
(servo activated Feb. 24, 2017)
Zodiac: Cancer
Personality: 6 neat / 3 shy / 6 active / 4 serious / 6 nice
Fortune aspiration
LTW: Prestidigitator
Hobby: Tinkering
Interests: fashion, weather, environment, travel, work
Charles Fletcher
(CAS) Generation 1 (born Jan. 17, 1979 - twin Rudy)
Zodiac: Pisces
Personality: 5 neat / 3 shy / 7 active / 3 serious / 7 nice
Pleasure aspiration
LTW: 50 First Dates
Turn ons/off: blond hair, brown hair/ makeup
Hobby: Tinkering
Interests: culture, health, entertainment, toys, work
College: Psycology
Charles married Devan September 10, 2013
Devan (Brown) Fletcher
(CAS) Generation 1 (born Sept. 20, 1983)
Zodiac: Pisces
Personality: 5 neat / 3 shy / 7 active / 3 serious / 7 nice
Popularity aspiration
LTW: Criminal Mastermind
Turn ons/off: charismatic, mechanical/ cologne
Hobby: Tinkering
Interests: food, culture, fashion, toys, sci-fi
College: Drama
Chevy Fletcher
Generation 2 (born Dec. 24, 2018)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Personality: 10 neat / 3 shy / 9 active / 3 serious / 1 grouchy
Turn ons/off:
Hobby: Sports
Interests: paranormal, travel, animals, sports, toys, sci-fi
Clinton Webb
(CAS) Generation 1 (Dec. 9, 1962)
Zodiac: Virgo
Personality: 9 neat / 2 shy / 6 active / 3 serious / 5 nice
Family aspiration
LTW: Captain Hero
Turn ons/off: fitness, glasses/ gray hair
Hobby: Science
Interests: health, sci-fi, sports, paranormal, entertainment
Clinton married Grace Sept. 27, 1988
Grace (Fletcher) Webb
(CAS) Generation 1 (Oct. 1, 1958)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Personality: 6 neat / 5 outgoing / 8 active / 3 serious / 3 grouchy
Knowledge aspiration
LTW : Education Minister
Impossible: Max All Skills
Turn ons/off: cologne, charismatic/ vampirism
Hobby: Sports
Interests: food, health, fashion, environment, entertainment
Wilson Webb
Generation 2 (born Oct. 30, 1989)
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Popularity aspiration
LTW: Professional Party Guest
Turn ons/off: blond hair, custom hair/ good cook
Hobby: Sports
Interests: food, culture, entertainment, weather, sports
College: Art
Professor Karen (Benson) Webb
(Uni professor) Generation 2 (born May 19, 1979)
Zodiac: Aries
Personality: 5 neat / 4 shy / 7 active / 9 playful / 3 mean
Popularity Aspiration
LTW: Hall of Famer
Turn ons/off: swimwear, creative / cologne
Hobby: Games
Interests: entertainment, crime, fashion, work, money
Washington Webb
(alien) Generation 2 (born June 2, 2006)
Zodiac: Pisces
Personality: 9 neat / 2 shy / 9 active / 0 serious / 10 nice
Pleasure Aspiration
LTW: Prestidigitator
Turn ons/off: stink, formal wear/ jewelry
Hobby: Science
Interests: sci-fi, travel, school, weather, work
College: Philosophy
Grace 2.0 Webb
(servo activated Nov. 3, 2019)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Personality: 6 neat / 5 outgoing / 8 active / 3 serious / 3 grouchy
Knowledge aspiration
LTW: Media Magnate
Hobby: Sports
Interests: politics, crime, sports, work, culture, travel
Jefferson Webb
Generation 3 (born June 4, 2026)
Turn ons/off:
Scott Bauer
(CAS) Generation 1 (born Oct. 18th, 1964)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Personality: 6 neat / 5 outgoing / 8 active / 3 serious / 3 grouchy
Knowledge aspiration
LTW: Mad Scientist
Turn ons/off: logical, creative/ stink
Hobby: Sports
Interests: fashion, environment, sports, sci-fi, food
Scott married Michelle Jan. 22, 1987
Michelle (Ferris) Bauer
(CAS) Generation 1 (Born March 3, 1967)
Zodiac: Pisces
Personality: 5 neat / 3 shy / 7 active / 3 serious / 7 nice
Knowledge aspiration
LTW: Hall of Famer
Turn ons/off: logical, creative/ stink
Hobby: Tinkering
Interests: toys, environment, sci-fi, weather, sports
Amiee Bauer
Generation 2 (Dec. 29, 1995)
Zodiac: Aries
Personality: 6 neat / 10 outgoing / 7 active / 3 serious / 2 grouchy
Pleasure aspiration
Turn ons/off: stink, hard worker/ full face makeup
Hobby: Music
Interests:culture, entertainment, school, fashion, food
College: Philosophy
Jason Bauer
Generation 2 (born Nov. 25, 1999)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Personality: 10 neat / 9 outgoing / 10 active / 3 serious / 3 grouchy
Family Aspiration
Turn ons/off: fitness, blond hair/ stink
Hobby: Fitness
Interests: health, sci-fi, weather, food, work
College: Literature
Ian Bauer
Generation 2 (born Sept. 5, 2005 - twin Christopher)
Zodiac: Aries
Personality: 0 sloppy / 10 outgoing / 10 active / 10 playful / 0 grouchy
Knowledge aspiration
LTW: 6 Grandchildren
Turn ons/off:red hair, unemployed / artistic
Hobby: Music
Interests: culture, entertainment, school, sci-fi, weather, fashion
College: Physics
Christopher Bauer
Generation 2 (born Sept. 5, 2005 - twin Ian)
Zodiac: Capricorn
Personality: 10 neat / 7 outgoing / 1 lazy / 10 playful / 7 nice
Family Aspiration
LTW: Business Tycoon
Turn ons/off: blond hair, logical/ athletic
Hobby: Cuisine
Interests: food, sci-fi, fashion, work, weather
College: Art
Shellzibot Bauer
(servo activated )
Zodiac: Pisces
Personality: 5 neat / 3 shy / 7 active / 3 serious / 7 nice
Knowledge Aspiration
LTW: Media Magnate
Turn ons/off: logical, creative/ stink
Hobby: Tinkering
Interests: crime, culture, work, money, fashion
Nerissa Goldman
(townie teen sent to Uni) Generation 2 (born Nov. 18, 2005)
Zodiac: Taurus
Personality: 5 neat / 5 outgoing / 3 lazy / 8 playful / 4 mean
Romance Aspiration
LTW: Professional Party Guest
Turn ons/off: formal wear, charismatic/ athletic
Hobby: Games
Interests: entertainment, work, weather, sci-fi
College: Art
Forrest Hamilton
(CAS) Generation 1 (born Feb. 21, 1962)
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Personality: 2 sloppy / 3 shy / 9 active / 7 playful / 4 grouchy
Fortune aspiration
LTW: 6 Pets Reach Top of Careers
Turn ons/off: brown hair, mechanical/ great cook
Hobby: Sports
Interests: fashion, entertainment, work, travel, culture
Forrest fathered his daughter Rose when he was 16 - oops
Forrest married Beverly June 21, 1983
Beverly (Fletcher) Hamilton
(CAS) Generation 1 (born Aug. 18, 1963)
Zodiac: Pisces
Personality: 4 sloppy / 2 shy / 7 active / 3 serious / 9 nice
Popularity aspiration
LTW: Hall of Famer
Impossible: 30 Best friends
Turn ons/off: formal wear, cleaning/ fatness
Hobby: Tinkering
Interests:culture, entertainment, toys, money, food
Hyacinth Hamilton
Generation 2 (born Dec. 27, 2011)
Zodiac: Pisces
Personality: 2 sloppy / 3 shy / 9 active / 3 serious / 9 nice
Fortune aspiration
LTW: World Class Ballet Dancer
Turn ons/off: red hair, charismatic / jewelry
Hobby: Arts and Crafts
Interests: culture, fashion, food, weather, work
George Hamilton
(adopted) Generation 2 (born Feb. 3, 2006)
Zodiac: Aquarius
Personality: 4 sloppy / 4 shy / 4 lazy / 7 playful / 6 nice
Family Aspiration
LTW: Marry Off 6 Children
Turn ons/off: fat, charismatic / makeup
Hobby: Nature
Interests: environment, weather, paranormal, sports, work
Daniel Brown
(CAS) Generation 1 (born August 19, 1973)(reborn Sept. 19, 2008)
Zodiac: Virgo
Personality: 9 neat / 2 shy / 6 active / 3 serious / 5 nice
Pleasure aspiration
LTW: Mad Scientist
Turn ons/off: blond hair, mechanical/ great cook
Hobby: Science
Interests: food, culture, entertainment, sports, crime, weather
College: Psychology
A teen orphan who raised his baby sister, now a vampire
Daniel married Contessa Hailey Sept. 19, 2008 - The Contessa is technically 97 years older than Daniel
Contessa Hailey (Landry) Brown
(Grand vampire) Generation 1 (born July 13, 1876)(reborn Nov. 14, 1897)
Zodiac: Libra
Personality: 5 neat / 4 shy / 5 active / 4 serious / 3 grouchy
Pleasure aspiration
LTW: Celebrity Chef
Turn ons/ off: blond hair, black hair / athletic
Interests: sports, work, politics, money, paranormal
Count Chocula Brown
Generation 2 (born May 21, 2021)
Zodiac: Aries
Personality: 9 neat / 9 outgoing / 6 active / 3 serious /3 mean
Hobby: Science
Interests: sci-fi, paranormal, animals, school, sports
Stephen Bigfoot
born May 29, 1994
Zodiac: Libra
Personality: 2 sloppy / 8 outgoing / 2 lazy / 6 playful / 7 nice
Popularity aspiration
LTW: Celebrity Chef
Hobby: Arts and Crafts
Interests: work, paranormal, weather, crime, food
Ravi Shibata
(Uni townie) Generation 1 (born April 15, 1980)
Zodiac: Libra
Personality: 2 sloppy / 8 outgoing / 2 lazy / 6 playful / 7 nice
Romance aspiration
LTW: Marry Off 6 Children
Turn ons/off: unemployed, logical/ stink
Hobby: Nature
Interests: environment, weather, animals, work, sports
College: Political Science
Ravi married Kimberly Nov. 17, 2003
Kimberly (Tucker) Shibata
(CAS) Generation 1 (born Jan. 21, 1974 - twin Zoe)
Zodiac: Virgo
Personality: 9 neat / 2 shy / 6 active / 3 serious / 5 nice
Romance aspiration
LTW: Professional Party Guest
Turn ons/off: blond hair, mechanical/ stink
Hobby: Science
Interests: food, crime, weather, entertainment, school
College: Philosophy
Honey Shibata
Generation 2 (born Feb. 12, 2009)
Zodiac: Gemini
Personality: 4 sloppy / 8 outgoing / 9 active / 6 playful / 1 grouchy
Turn ons/off
Hobby: Sports
Interests: culture, fashion, work, weather, entertainment, environment
Desire Shibata
(alien) Generation 2 (born Sept. 1, 2014)
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Personality: 4 neat / 2 shy / 10 active / 10 playful / 7 nice
Turn ons/off
Hobby: Nature
Interests: environment, weather, food, fashion, sci-fi
Adore Shibata (born Oct. 14, 2016 - twin Cherish)
Generation 2
Zodiac: Aquarius
Personality: 2 sloppy / 2 shy / 2 lazy / 10 playful / 10 nice
Turn ons/off
Hobby: Tinkering
Interests: sports, school, animals, entertainment, toys, travel
Cherish Shibata
Generation 2 (born Oct. 14, 2016 - twin Adore)
Zodiac: Aries
Personality: 9 neat / 8 outgoing / 6 active / 6 playful / 6 nice
Turn ons/off
Hobby: Science
Interests: paranormal, travel, school, toys, sports, animals
True Shibata
(alien) Generation 2 (born Feb. 26, 2023 - twin Love)
Turn ons/off
Love Shibata
(alien) Generation 2 (born Feb. 26, 2023 - twin True)
Turn ons/off
Heath Fancey
(townie) Generation 1 (born June 24, 1985)
Zodiac: Capricorn
Personality: 7 neat / 4 shy / 1 lazy / 8 playful / 5 nice
Fortune aspiration
LTW: World Class Ballet Dancer
Hobby: Cuisine
Interests: work, fashion, culture, environment, money
Heath married Lara April 18, 2003
Lara (Fletcher) Fancey
(CAS) Generation 1 (born May 20, 1978)
Zodiac: Pisces
Personality: 5 neat / 3 shy / 7 active / 3 serious / 7 nice
Fortune aspiration
LTW: Space Pirate
Turn ons/off: blond hair, fitness/ zombie
Hobby: Tinkering
Interests: culture, fashion, entertainment, work, food
College: Literature
Coupon Fancey
Generation 2 (born Sept. 10, 2007)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Personality: 7 neat / 4 shy / 9 active / 8 playful / 1 grouchy
Turn ons/off:
Hobby: Sports
Interests: paranormal, work, weather, fashion, crime, culture, sports, school
Buck Fancey
Generation 2 (born Dec. 14, 2012)
Zodiac: Capricorn
Personality: 9 neat / 10 outgoing / 1 lazy / 8 playful / 6 nice
Turn ons/off:
Hobby: Cuisine
Interests: school, animals, sci-fi, paranormal, toys
Fletcher 2:
Rudy Fletcher
(CAS) Generation 1 (Jan. 17, 1979 - twin Charles)
Zodiac: Aries
Personality: 5 neat / 8 outgoing / 6 active / 3 serious / 3 grouchy
Knowledge aspiration / Pleasure secondary
LTW: Space Pirate
Impossible Want: Max All Skills
Turn ons/off: black hair, good cook/ red hair
Hobby: Music
Interests: culture, health, environment, food, weather
College: Psycology
Obsessed with old ladies, a sort of "grey" wizard - just bad enough to keep his evil sister Sophie off his back and to get to wear the black robes
Rudy married Zoe Nov. 20, 2003
Zoe (Tucker) Fletcher
(CAS) Generation 1 (born Jan 21, 1974 - twin Kimberly)
Zodiac: Leo
Personality: 4 sloppy /10 outgoing / 4 lazy / 4 playful / 3 grouchy
Knowledge aspiration / Pleasure secondary
LTW: 50 First Dates
Impossible Want: Max All Skills
Turn ons/off: black hair, cleaning/ plant sim
Hobby: Music
Interests: food, fashion, sci-fi, entertainment, weather, culture
College: Philosophy
Wendy's Fletcher
Generation 2 (born Aug. 9, 2007)
Zodiac: Gemini
Personality: 5 neat / 8 outgoing / 9 active / 3 serious / 1 grouchy
Fortune aspiration / Romance secondary
LTW: Hall of Famer
Turn ons/off: grey hair, creative / hard worker
Hobby: Sports
Interests: school, travel, sports, weather, work, fashion
Chick-Fil-A Fletcher
Generation 2 (born Aug. 23, 2013)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Personality: 10 neat / 8 outgoing / 10 active / 3 serious / 2 grouchy
Romance aspiration / Knowledge secondary
LTW: Rock God
Turn ons/off: fatness, hard worker / full face makeup
Hobby: Sports
Interests: animals, sci-fi, school, paranormal, toys
Applebee's Fletcher
Generation 2 (born Oct 27, 2017 - twin Jack-in-the-Box)
Zodiac: Gemini
Personality: 2 sloppy / 10 outgoing / 10 active / 3 serious / 10 nice
Turn ons/off:
Hobby: Fitness
Interests: animals, travel, sports, paranormal, school
Jack-in-the-Box Fletcher
Generation 2 (born Oct 27, 2017 - twin Applebee's)
Personality: 10 neat / 2 shy / 10 active / 8 playful / 1 grouchy
Turn ons/off:
Hobby: Sports
Interests: paranormal, animals, sci-fi, sports, travel
Charlie Todd
(townie) Generation 1 (born Dec. 26, 1981)
Zodiac: Virgo
Personality: 9 neat / 2 shy / 6 active / 3 serious / 5 nice
Knowledge aspiration / Pleasure secondary
LTW: Earn §100,000
Impossible Want: Max All Skills
Turn ons/off: full face makeup, brown hair/ charismatic
Hobby: Sports
Interests: culture, weather, politics, environment, food
Charlie married Catherine November 28, 2007 - Catherine is 24 years older than Charlie!
Catherine (Tucker) Todd
(CAS) Generation 1 (born Jan.23, 1958)
Zodiac: Pisces
Personality: 5 neat / 3 shy / 7 active / 3 serious / 7 nice
Romance aspiration / Pleasure secondary
LTW: Golden Anniversary
Turn ons/off: facial hair, black hair/ plantsim
Hobby: Tinkering
Interests: fashion, culture, food, weather, health, entertainment
First husband Donny took off when Brian and Martin were born
Aleksei Todd
Generation 2 (born Dec. 6, 2011)
Zodiac: Cancer
Personality: 9 neat / 3 shy / 6 active / 6 playful / 7 nice
Turn ons/off:
Hobby: Tinkering
Interests: travel, toys, animals, paranormal, sports
Aloe Tucker
(plant sim) Generation 1 (spawned Sept.15, 2002)
Zodiac: Libra
Personality: 4 sloppy / 4 shy / 4 lazy / 7 playful / 6 nice
Romance aspiration / Grilled Cheese secondary
Turn ons/off: makeup, jewlery/ glasses
Hobby: Nature
Interests: animals, school, weather, paranormal, environment
Belladonna Tucker
(plant sim) Generation 2 (spawned Sept. 15, 2008)
Zodiac: Libra
Personality: 4 sloppy / 4 shy / 4 lazy / 7 playful / 6 nice
Romance aspiration / Family secondary
Turn ons/offs: swimwear, great cook/ hats
Hobby: Nature
Interests: school, toys, animals, weather, paranormal
Tucker 2:
Brian Tucker
(CAS) Generation 1 (Dec. 22, 1983 - twin Martin)
Zodiac: Gemini
Personality: 4 sloppy / 7 outgoing / 8 active / 3 serious / 3 grouchy
Romance aspiration / Grilled Cheese secondary
LTW: Woohoo with 20 Different Sims
Turn ons/off: underwear, artistic/ mechanical
Hobby: Sports
Interests: food, fashion, entertainment, sports, school
College: Psycology
A rock star and man-whore
Brian married Dagmar Dec. 17, 2010
Dagmar (Jordan) Tucker
(Uni townie) Generation 1 (born Jan. 2, 1990)
Zodiac: Pisces
Personality: 5 neat / 3 shy / 7 active / 3 serious / 7 nice
Knowledge aspiration / Family secondary
LTW: Woohoo with 20 Different Sims
Turn ons/off: jewelry, underwear/ fitness
Hobby: Tinkering
Interests: toys, culture, sports, weather, food
College: Literature
Aerosmith Tucker
Generation 2 (born March 12, 2012)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Personality: 9 neat / 7 outgoing / 9 active / 3 serious / 1 grouchy
Fortune aspiration / Popularity secondary
LTW: World Class Ballet Dancer
Turn ons/off: formalwear, full face makeup / jewelry
Hobby: Sports
Interests: culture, entertainment, paranormal, sports, weather, fashion
Blondie Tucker
Generation 2 (born December 12, 2019)
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Personality: 3 sloppy / 4 shy / 10 active / 10 playful / 7 nice
Turn ons/off:
Hobby: Nature
Interests: sci-fi, sports, paranormal, toys, travel, animals
Sophie (Fletcher) Graham
(CAS) Generation 1 (born Sept. 9, 1976)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Personality: 6 neat / 5 outgoing / 8 active / 3 serious / 3 grouchy
Pleasure aspiration
LTW: Woohoo with 20 Different Sims
Turn ons/off: cologne, muscles/ black hair
Hobby: Sports
Interests: food, culture, sports, entertainment, fashion
College: Psychology
Slutty, Atrociously evil
Airell Graham
Generation 2 (born April 2, 2020)
Zodiac: Libra
Personality: 5 neat / 9 outgoing / 4 lazy / 8 playful / 8 nice
Turn ons/off:
Blair Graham
Generation 2 (born April 2, 2020)
Zodiac: Gemini
Personality: 5 neat / 10 outgoing / 10 active / 5 playful / 4 mean
Turn ons/off:
Elmer Cormier
(Uni townie) Generation 2 (born Aug. 28, 1992 - died Nov. 19, 2018)
Scorpio: 0 sloppy / 4 shy / 2 lazy / 1 serious / 0 grouchy
Fortune aspiration/ Popularity secondary
LTW: Celebrity Chef
Turn ons/off: jewelry / mechanical / hard worker
Hobby: Sports
Interests: politics, money, culture, paranormal, sports
cheater/cowplant food/zombie
Apple Jeffress
(townie) Generation 1 (born Feb. 1, 1985)
Zodiac: Pisces
Personality: 5 neat / 3 shy / 7 active / 3 serious / 7 nice
Knowledge aspiration
LTW: Space Pirate
Turn ons/off: athletic, logical / swimwear
Hobby: Tinkering
Interests: sports, work, paranormal, travel, weather
Used to be named Abhijeet, but I got tired of looking it up.
Apple married Rose Dec. 9, 2011
Rose (Hamilton) Jeffress
(CAS) Generation 1 (born Oct. 23, 1979)
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Personality: 2 sloppy / 3 shy / 9 active / 7 playful / 4 grouchy
Knowledge aspiration
LTW: Chief of Staff
Turn ons/off: blond hair, artistic/ underwear
Hobby: Sports
Interests: culture, entertainment, sci-fi, fashion, environment
College: Biology
Almond Miguel
(townie) Generation 2 (born Dec. 21,1991)
Pisces: 5 neat / 3 shy / 7 active / 3 serious / 7 nice
Knowledge aspiration
LTW: City Planner
Turn ons/off: logical, mechanical/ red hair
Hobby: Tinkering
Interests: weather, fashion, entertainment, work, travel
Used to be named Andrzej, but I got tired of looking it up.
Almond married Violet Dec. 9, 2011
Violet (Hamilton) Miguel
Generation 2 (born Nov. 3, 1985)
Gemini: 2 sloppy / 9 outgoing / 9 active / 3 serious / 4 grouchy
Knowledge aspiration
LTW: Hall of Famer
Turn ons/off: stink, red hair/ hats
Hobby: Fitness
Interests: culture, fashion, weather, sports, travel
College: Mathematics
Was nearly taken by social workers as a baby, was invisible as a child
Lime Jeffress
Generation 2 (born Dec. 10, 2014)
Sagittarius: 1 sloppy / 6 outgoing / 10 active / 10 playful / 8 nice
Turn ons/off:
Hobby: Nature
Interests: culture, sports, paranormal, travel, school, weather, animals, sci-fi
Strawberry Miguel
Generation 3 (born Dec. 10, 2016)
Cancer: 5 neat / 3 shy / 7 active / 6 playful / 7 nice
Turn ons/off:
Hobby: Tinkering
Interests: entertainment, sports, travel, animals, school
Morgan Foreman
(townie) Generation 2 (born Oct. 5, 1987)
Libra: 3 sloppy / 7 outgoing / 4 lazy / 5 playful / 6 nice
Pleasure aspiration / Grilled Cheese secondary
LTW:Have 50 Dream Dates
Turn ons/off: brown hair, good cook, full face makeup
Hobby: Arts & Crafts
Interests: fashion, weather, food, work, entertainment, culture, sci-fi
Morgan married Cassandra Jan. 21, 2013
Cassandra (Bauer) Foreman
Generation 2 (born Nov. 5, 1988)
Aries: 10 neat / 10 outgoing / 3 lazy / 2 serious / 3 grouchy
Popularity aspiration
LTW: Business Tycoon
Impossible Want: 30 Best Friends
Turn ons/off: jewelry, good cook/ unemployed
Hobby: Science
Interests: fashion, sci-fi, entertainment, environment, food
College: Political Science
Sabastian Anderson
(Uni townie) Generation 2 (born Sept. 1, 1995)
Sagittarius: 2 sloppy / 3 shy / 9 active / 7 playful / 4 grouchy
Knowledge aspiration / Grilled Cheese secondary
LTW: Marry Off 6 Children
Turn ons/off: fitness, brown hair / fat
Hobby: Sports
Interests: culture, entertainment, paranormal, sports, food
Sabastian married Charity Dec. 3, 2019
Charity (Bauer) Anderson
Generation 2 (born Feb. 11, 1991)
Virgo: 8 neat / 1 shy / 10 active / 3 serious / 3 grouchy
Popularity aspiration
LTW: Golden Anniversary
Turn ons/off: jewelry, unemployed/ charismatic
Hobby: Sports
Interests: culture, entertainment, weather, fashion, crime
College: Art
Mew Anderson
Generation 3 (born Oct. 17, 2016)
Aries: 10 neat / 10 outgoing / 9 active / 3 serious / 1 mean
Turn ons/off:
Hobby: Fitness
Interests: paranormal, sci-fi, sports, animals, school
Komei Pederson
(Uni townie) Generation 2 (born April 24, 1998)
Zodiac: Leo
Personality: 4 sloppy / 10 outgoing / 4 lazy / 4 serious / 3 mean
Popularity aspiration
LTW: Max All skills
Turn ons/off: stink, aliens/ red hair
Hobby: Music and Dance
Interests: environment, fashion, paranormal, food
Komei married Reagan September 20, 2021.
Reagan (Webb) Pederson
Generation 2 (born Oct. 9, 1995)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Personality: 10 neat / 9 outgoing / 10 active / 3 serious / 3 mean
Pleasure aspiration
LTW: Celebrity Chef
Turn ons/off: red hair, creative/ black hair
Hobby: Fitness
Interests: culture, sci-fi, travel, paranormal, health
College: History
Tyler Porter
(Uni mascot) Generation 2 (born Feb. 4, 1999)
Zodiac: Libra
Personality: 2 sloppy / 6 outgoing / 2 lazy / 9 playful / 6 nice
Romance aspiration
LTW: Chief of Staff
Turn ons/off: cologne, makeup/ brown hair
Hobby: Nature
Interests: environment, food, culture, weather
Tyler married Taft April 22, 2022.
Taft (Webb) Porter
(alien) Generation 2 (born Jan. 13, 1997)
Zodiac: Virgo
Personality: 9 neat / 2 shy / 6 active / 3 serious / 5 nice
Pleasure aspiration
LTW: Celebrity Chef
Turn ons/off: swimwear, jewelry/ fitness
Hobby: Science
Interests: culture, sci-fi, paranormal, work, food
College: Drama
Graham 2:
Daniel Graham
(Uni townie) Generation 1 (born Aug. 23, 1981)
Zodiac: Leo
Personality: 4 sloppy / 10 outgoing / 4 lazy / 4 serious / 3 grouchy
Popularity aspiration
LTW: Captain Hero
Turn ons/off: makeup, cleaning/ brown hair
Hobby: Music
Interests: culture, weather, work, entertainment, paranormal
College: Political Science
Daniel married Sophie Fletcher Dec. 17, 2006 - they divorced May 26, 2020
Havelock Graham
Generation 2 (born Nov. 19, 2010)
Zodiac: Gemini
Personality: 4 sloppy / 10 outgoing / 9 active / 4 serious / 1 grouchy
Turn ons/off:
Hobby: Fitness
Interests: travel, school, toys, sci-fi, sports
The Browns' portraits are just awesome!! Especially the Contessa.
Nonikk63 said...
The Browns' portraits are just awesome!! Especially the Contessa.
Thanks so much. :) I used default replacement skins and eyes for my vampires. I probably should look it up sometime and give credit.
How did you decide the Contessa's birthdate?
jungfrun68 said...
How did you decide the Contessa's birthdate?
I wanted her to be older, so I let a dice roller decide for me by rolling a number between 1 and 300. Then I just added that to Daniel's age and then rolled for a month and day.
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