When we last visited the Fletcher family, Charles and Devan got married, went on a honeymoon to Takemizu Village, and had a baby boy they named Chevy. They also adopted a puppy from the Tucker family next door named Swift who wouldn't eat, so they gave her up for adoption. Swift was adopted by the Brown family (Devan's vampire big brother and his vampire wife), who "trained" Swift and gave her back.
Charles Fletcher, 41, Adult Pleasure, LTW: 50 First Dates
Devan (Brown) Fletcher, 37, Adult Popularity, LTW: Criminal Mastermind
Chevy Fletcher, 2-ish
Swift is an independent and finicky doofus dog (i.e., terrible). And right at the start I see that Swift's training at the Brown's house worked. She is perfectly trained in every bad habit. Fun.
Charles is currently a Resident in the Medical career. He decided to go ahead and treat the injured woman even though there were other patients waiting to be seen.
It turns out that the below average bowler was a hospital benefactor, so Charles was able to earn 2 charisma points.
It's time for little Chevy's birthday.
Aww, baby picspam. Chevy really loves his mommy, even though she's about to burn his little toes on those candles and doesn't have the decency to dress him in anything but a diaper.
He didn't get much hair as a toddler, but he's still a cute kid. I see that he finally got some warm clothes.
Devan got started right away with potty training, although I can't understand how that works with the overalls still on..
Because he was doing so well at work, Charles was promoted to General Practitioner.
Swift has been potty trained too - trained to go wherever the urge hits her. Thankfully, she was on tile in the bathroom this time.
I'm not sure if this is Stephen or Mark Bigfoot that Devan is discussing grilled cheese with because it's before I gave them some accessories to wear. She is better friends with Stephen, both both are her friends, and both have enough nice points to listen to her thoughts about cheese.
Martin looks like he's afraid to turn around and talk to Charles. Could it be that he's afraid Charles is still upset that he gave him such a terrible, idiotic dog? Maybe. Charles is there to buy a water wiggler so the terrible, idiotic dog can bathe herself, and Tucker Toys is the only store in Apple Grove that sells them.
I was wondering why the paper girl Ashlee Lawson looked so angry, but when you think about it, Wendy's is there to steal the newspaper she just delivered. Having delivered papers for awhile myself, I remember getting calls from the newspaper office sending me to redeliver missing newspapers. It didn't matter that someone stole them, I was still held responsible when they disappeared. It was SO frustrating and unfair. So now I'm thinking Wendy's is really lucky the paper girl isn't kicking her @$$. Actually, if you look closely, she's about to get zapped by a sentrybot, so it's all good. The newspaper is safe.
Devan demonstrates that Elite Operatives are way too cool too wear coats, no matter how cold it is outside.
While both his parents were off at work, poor little Chevy had to have a birthday with the nanny.
But he grew up well, even though he didn't get an official party this time.
Chevy brought home some homework from his first day of school, which Swift was determined to destroy. I think we managed to save it before it was completely destroyed.
Devan has now been promoted to the top of the Intelligence career as Head of the SCIA. It's funny, really. I don't think of Devan as being that intelligent.
Chevy informed his dad that he doesn't need a stethoscope to hear him chew. I guess that's his creatively bratty way of telling his dad that he makes a lot of noise when he eats. Chevy has 10 neat points, so he's extra picky about everything. I don't know who he got his neatness from because Charles and Devan each have 5 neat points.
Chevy's out making friends with Lime Jeffress and Aleksei Todd today. I'm surprised that a kid with 10 neat points is outside playing in his pajamas.
The Fletchers decided to take a family vacation to Three Lakes.
Of course, they had to go and make friends with bigfoot. Everysim wants to be friends with bigfoot. I don't understand it. Even if bigfoot existed, I wouldn't necessarily feel a burning desire to find one and be his friend.
It got cold enough to snow while they were on vacation. That doesn't sound like much of a vacation to me. It's sort of the kind of vacation you get every year when your wedding anniversary is in January and you live in the midwest and can't afford to go somewhere fun and warm. I live that sort of thing every January - well except for when we actually lived in Hawaii.
Anyway, the Fletchers got back from their cold vacation in Three Lakes, and Charles bought a little business that used to be a cafe, and named it Fletcher Foods.
At first they were only selling cakes, and the other half of the shelves were empty until they could do some cooking and baking. This was a mistake.
The terrible reporter Lisa Pons showed up immediately before they could fill those shelves.
She did not like their employee, Arcadia Beckett, and was probably also upset about the empty shelves.
And as she has been known to do with past businesses, Lisa gave Charles a bad review. What a b%^*#. Maybe I should marry her off to someone I don't like so Apple Grove can get a new reporter.
What is it about trying to run a business that makes people call and try to set you up on blind dates?
However, this call was the weirdest ever. Apparently another crazy Lisa is under the delusion that Charles wants to marry her. I thought it was also weird that after that, he was asked to accept or decline. Has anyone ever seen anything like this before? So weird.
Despite Lisa Pons' bad review, it wasn't long before Charles got his business up to Rank 10.
If I didn't know better, I would think Swift started this fire. She's always up to something bad, and she's just standing there staring at the fire. These tree fires usually go out on their own, but with a smoke detector outside, the fire department has to respond to every fire.
This is their wall of plaques and diplomas. *yawn*
Charles decided to do more research before prescribing this new drug, Mixzomyatrobride.
Because of his research, he was able to share information about the uselessness of the drug with other doctors and earn 2 logic and 2 charisma points.
Devan and I apparently don't have a lot to talk about, so we just have a staring contest. I win, of course. ;)
Devan tried to take a nap, and if you are a mom you know that just doesn't work. Chevy is a normal kid who thinks his mother is there entirely for his benefit. He had to show her his A+ immediately.
I thought it was kind of funny that Swift really doesn't like Chevy and that she likes to bark and growl and chase him. In real life, I probably wouldn't put up with a terrible dog like Swift, but she does seem to make the Fletcher house more interesting. With only one kid so far, they need something to keep them occupied.
Charles reached the top of the medical career by becoming Chief of Staff.
And now we say good-bye to the Fletchers until round 7.
Scoring: 1 point for Charles reaching the top of the Medical career, 1 point for Devan reaching the top of the Intelligence career, 3 points for Devan earning all of her Lifetime Aspiration Benefits. The population of Apple Grove is currently 59, with a total population of 62.
I never know what to choose to comment. There is always so much going on in your updates. Always inspired writing, even when you feel bored with the family.
But - have you gotten rid of the censor blur? The potty training gave me that impression.
Weird with the wedding call. Must be an error of some sorts - but it sure was entertaining :D
And you sure achieve EVERYTHING that is achievable. Yawn? I ENVY you. I _must_ start actually _playing_ a little bit more, instead of just playing with dollies ... ;-)
Nonikk, I always look forward to your comments. :) I'm glad you enjoyed my update. I started this one right after my last post, but it just sat unpublished for awhile. I don't know why it's so hard to finish writing sometimes.
I don't think I achieve everything, but I'm glad you think so. ;) I'm actually envious of people who let the story unfold with the sims themselves making decisions instead of tasking their every waking moment.
Oh, and the censor blur being gone - one day it was just gone, LOL. I must have downloaded it in a lot or something. I haven't bothered to change it yet - not sure if I will. In some ways the censor blur is annoying.
Wedding pop-up was really strange. If someone says "I can't marry you" and you choose "Decline", what does that mean? That you don't take no for an answer? Interesting response choices I must say :)
jungfrun68 said...
Wedding pop-up was really strange. If someone says "I can't marry you" and you choose "Decline", what does that mean? That you don't take no for an answer? Interesting response choices I must say :)
LOL, I thought of that too - that maybe by declining Charles was saying he didn't accept her refusal. I really wasn't sure which option would be safest. I didn't see the girl on the lot and he was already married, so I hoped that it was just some kind of glitch and that declining was a safe bet.
Did you have to train Swift in all the naughty behaviors in order to fulfill some kind of jar challenge? I don't remember, but I like the idea. I always wanted to train one of the cats to eat people food to see it jump up on the counter and swipe stuff...just because I thought it would be amusing. :) Maybe I will.
Nice job with the Rank 10 business!
SK said...
Did you have to train Swift in all the naughty behaviors in order to fulfill some kind of jar challenge? I don't remember, but I like the idea. I always wanted to train one of the cats to eat people food to see it jump up on the counter and swipe stuff...just because I thought it would be amusing. :) Maybe I will.
Nice job with the Rank 10 business!
Thanks, SK. :) Yes, training the dog to be naughty was part of the jar challenge. It was kind of fun in that it's not anything I would have ever done intentionally, LOL.
Chevy is such a cute kid, and Devan has really grown up, I remember when she was just a brat teenager living with her brother at the beginning of Apple Grove. I pity the poor house with such a terrible dog, are you allowed to re-train it in good habits now that the challege is over or is Swift destined to remain terrible?
Liz, I think it's cool that you remember Devan from back then. She was such a brat sometimes, especially when in college she refused to join the Greek house because it wasn't good enough for her yet. As for the dog, she can be retrained. It's just that because she's a doofus it may take a long time.
Hmmm..ok. I have a cat in RL in my house right now I feel probably took personality lessons from Swift. This cat Zorro pees on my robe when it is thrown across my bed...jumps on the kitchen counter to see if there is any goodies in the sink...and sniffs my food and tries to take it when I am on the sofa simming w/my laptop. She eyeballs me with those deep amber eyes and runs away, knowing I can't catch her....
Wow Wen, it does sound like you have a feline version of Swift in real life. You must really love Zorro. :)
Devan has turned into a beautiful woman....I remember her being a brat before too.
You sure do get those businesses up fast....I have such a hard time with businesses.
That wedding pop-up was REALLY strange, especially strange that it gave you choices. lol....what a weird thing to have happen, can't say I've ever see that before.
I'm fond of Devan, even though she seems a bit dense sometimes. She's not as bratty as she was, thank goodness.
My sims tend to stay for unreasonable lengths of time, usually with an energizer out back. I'm trying not to do that so much any more, though.
Yeah, I don't know what happened with that wedding pop-up, LOL! It was entertaining, but it made me concerned about the neighborhood possibly being corrupt.
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