Okay, he's not really that bad, entirely. But, he is biting a cookie - a Santa cookie, even.. It just bites that you get so little return on your efforts to get him to come to your house - when he bothers to show up at all.

Just as a reminder, these are the members of the Jeffress family.

The Christmas decorations are getting sparser as this Christmas round stretches into March and Spring is beginning IRL for the Overseer of Apple Grove. :P You can see lights on the Jeffress house if you squint. It's a good thing the Christmas only comes once every 12 years in Apple Grove.

Here's the tree. Rose had to pack up the stereo to make room for it. Hopefully, it will be worth the effort to get Santa to come.

They weren't nearly as excited about the tree as they were about Lime's efforts on the piano. He's really getting good, and he should have no problem getting a scholarship with all that creativity.

Apple is obsessed with congratulating his wife Rose. Last time he constantly congratulated her for marrying him. At least this time it's because she's earned §100,000. Since she's a Knowledge sim, it doesn't get me any points, but it does get her money, which is always handy.

Last time, they brought home Rawley from their vacation in Three Lakes. He got to work right away trimming the out-of-control hedges. Even though I now have a hack that makes "perfect plants," I guess he still has to trim them back to normal before they'll stay that way..

Lime continued to practice during his Christmas vacation. It looks like he's composing a song about Rawley. Rawley is very popular in the Jeffress home. Banana was acting very much like a little brother. He followed Lime everywhere, even sitting behind him while he was playing the piano.

He even followed him into the bathroom. I'm not really sure why they chose to dance in such a tiny space.

I'm also not sure why Lime is not wearing a coat while doing this. It seems like it would be really cold, and that you'd get snow in your shorts.

Remember Tweets 4? Well, He had to be set free. After feeding him 3 times before noon, I decided I'd had enough. Hopefully, he was able to fly to a more tropical region for the winter. Birds are just hopeless in my game.

I'm not sure why Lime was making rainbow trout for lunch. I can only guess that he was cooking up a meal for the headmaster who was going to be visiting that evening. I went ahead and put the completed meal away.

And everyone had leftovers. Basically, they spoiled their dinner. The headmaster is going to show up before they're hungry again.

And this is one of the reasons Santa bites. He wants a lighted Christmas tree waiting for him, but those are such a dangerous fire hazard.

I was really glad to see that Banana was too busy building a snowman - without a coat, of course - to come in and dance around the fire.

Thankfully, the fire was put out quickly without any additional damage.

I was surprised to see Rawley making lobster thermidor, but glad, as the headmaster was just arriving. I guess Rawley really wanted to see the boys get into private school. Or, he was just really hungry for lobster. This should be more impressive than rainbow trout.

Or not. Rawley burnt the lobster, so he had to try again.

Lime greeted Barry Terminal and chatted with him for awhile about the outrageously high prices of oil, earning 22 schmooze points just from that one conversation. I guess they are in agreement on the matter.

Although this house is not one of my favorites in Apple Grove...

Barry seemed excited about it, except for the office/nursery which was just okay.

He even loved the bathroom.

Rawley's second batch of lobster turned out well. The headmaster asked him how many brothers he had, and how could they tell each other apart. He also wanted to know where the female bigfoots were. Rawley managed to avoid answering such personal questions by shoving his mouth full of lobster.

Despite Rawley's unsatisfying answers to headmaster's questions, they were still able to get Lime and Banana into private school with no problem.

As soon as Rawley pulled a batch of Santa cookies out of the oven, Santa appeared next to the replacement Christmas tree.

Santa went right to work on the serious business of eating his Santa cookie.

Okay, it wasn't really this magical. Santa left the teddy bear in the corner of the dining room, facing the wall. But whatever, I want Banana to enjoy the magic of childhood a little longer by helping him keep the illusion that Santa actually cares about something other than cookies a little longer.

Lime went back to playing the piano.

I checked on Banana, and he had started a blog about nature.

I guess Apple kind of blocked out his recent trip in a spaceship, because he was shocked to discover he had picked up a stowaway. He hadn't had any morning sickness at all to warn him...

But instead he got morning sickness at the beginning of his second trimester.

I wondered why Lime and Banana never got sleepy enough to go to bed. It must be that they've spent a great deal of their time in the living room with the spooky gold statue.

And wouldn't you know it - the second Christmas tree caught on fire too.

This time both the boys were in the room with it.

The nice, friendly firefighter came and put out the fire. I guess she thought Banana was really cute.

Rose wanted a bath, but the tub was already occupied by a stinky creature - one who preferred playing a pirate to bathing.

Lime was in the other tub playing pirate, too. What's up with the family? LOL

As I leave the Jeffress home, it's time for some BananaSpam. I think he's a really cute kid.

Here is the updated family tree for the Jeffress family.
Scoring: No changes.
LI personally think that it bites that they never get any memories from meeting Santa.
So Apple had a spaceship tour? I must say I seem to have repressed that too. Then we'll have another little green fruit soon. :D
And I don't know how you manage to score those high schmooze points, I am very impressed.
That golden statue is one of the really useful career rewards. I downloaded a hack somewhere that makes that statue into a figurine, which makes it so much easier to find a good place for it.
Apple's abduction was only briefly mentioned in the last update, so it would be easy to miss.
A tutorial I read a long time ago suggested always having a sim chat with the headmaster before doing the tour and dinner. I suppose that high schmooze points may have something to do with charisma and possibly having similar interests as the headmaster.
I will have to look for the hack you mentioned, because it would be so nice to make that thing smaller! ;)
Well that was a successful "Christmas" for the family, getting the kids into private school. Banana is a very cute little kid! And with that....I'M ALL CAUGHT UP!! YAY!!! :) I'll be waiting for more.
I've found an extremely easy way of earning high schmooze points is to 'gesture' greet them instead of 'regular' greets. I line up an earthy hug, fake out, kiss-kiss, etc. and in seconds, the schmooze points are high!
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