When we last visited the Fancey family, they had just moved into a new house and given birth to their first child, a daughter they named Coupon.
Heath Fancey, 28, Adult Fortune, LTW World Class Ballet Dancer

Lara (Fletcher) Fancey, 35, Adult Fortune, LTW Space Pirate
Coupon Fancey, 6

This cute little house is by beatdoc16, and I really like most everything about it. It's kind of small, though.

Especially now.
This is almost the only time you will ever see Lara make any kind of facial expression in this update. She is the Queen of Serene 99.9% of the time now.

See what I mean?
Thankfully, she avoided cheesecake for the last 9 months. She gave birth to one baby - a baby boy, which is good. They now have a male heir, which means they don't have to try to squeeze any more kids into their tiny house.

And because Lara and Heath are both fortune sims, they decided to name him Buck. They even had the printer counterfeit some money into birth announcements. Since they made me the Secretary of the Treasury of The United States of Appleica, I guess I won't let them get into any kind of legal trouble.

Speaking of bucks, apparently Aerosmith Tucker's rockstar dad doesn't make enough of them to keep him from stealing people's old newspapers.

He did get caught by Heath who was very upset, but too lazy to chase down the thief. He was planning on saving that particular issue. There may have been some valuable coupons in there that had not yet expired.

I think I see a tiny hint of a smile on Lara in this picture, although I can't be entirely sure.

Lara decided that an affordable (cheap) way to get some art on the walls was to paint it herself, so she went ahead and painted a portrait of herself with little Buck.

I think I figured out her deal, though. Tai Chi must be the explanation for all her serenity. She's so serene now that when friends stop by she's been offering free Tai Chi lessons. FREE. Weird.

And complimentary chili. I find that so unusual of her to be so generous.

Aerosmith Tucker came back again. I guess the Fanceys didn't have any more newspapers lying around, so he figured he may as well make friends with Coupon while he was there.

It's time for Buck to become a toddler. Lara might be very excited, but I can't really tell.

Does it count as toddler spam if I only take one picture of only him? I think he's a cute kid, though.

Coupon thinks little brothers are smelly. Meanwhile, Heath must have been spying on Mary Gavigan again.

Either Lara or Heath brought Contessa Hailey Brown home from work, but neither of them are in the Culinary career with her. It's a bit perplexing. I think they should be suspicious of her motives.

It looks like the Contessa is trying very hard to restrain herself from sucking the life out of little Coupon.

Yeah, nothing to worry about here...
Not creepy at all.

You know, looking at this picture, not only do we see that Heath is showing off his awesome biceps, but it looks as though I really did leave Sophie pregnant for the rest of Round 5 after all. I'm so glad to know I made her suffer a bit. Muhahahahaha.

Heath heads off to tap dance. You may remember that his LTW was to become a world class ballet dancer, or so I thought.

Heath also has the want to earn §100,000. He decided to open Fancey Fitness Center next to his house.

It looks like he does have one ballet student at the opening of the gym, who is dressed for soccer.

He decided the best thing he could do is focus on teaching Tai Chi classes. He thinks the entire neighborhood needs serenity now.

And Apple Grove residents are willing to pay for Tai Chi lessons, or sometimes they gladly pay just to smustle outside on the sidewalk.

My daughter Charity is one of Heath's Tai Chi students.

Some are better at this than others. It looks like the red-headed guy is a bit confused.

I'm in the back of this class, behind the chick with the mohawk. Hopefully I'm not making too much of a fool of myself, but at least I'm smart enough to stand in the back.

I missed getting a picture, but as you can see, Heath got struck by lightning when he headed out to the energizer during a thunderstorm. Thankfully, he lived.
And achieved a lifetime want? Huh. I guess he must have switched his LTW to earning §100,000. Some sims seem to change their minds autonomously in my game. And then there was that one time Heath entirely forgot his aspiration and just stood there.

Wow, Lara is making a facial expression!
It's because she finally earned her LTW.

As a Space Pirate. Yep, and now she finally gets to wear the

It's finally time for Buck to grow up, and wow, Lara is actually excited. It has to be saving money on diapers that has her this excited.

And apparently Buck's parents are being really frugal now making him wear rags. Poor kid.

He was in rags and hungry, but thankfully he was now old enough to use the toy muffin stove to bake himself free food. Every sim family should have one.

This is Buck's expression when not actively engaged in activity. He has one active point like his father, so he's a very slouchy sim. Here are some details about Buck:
Capricorn: 9 neat - 10 outgoing - 1 lazy - 8 playful - 6 nice
Hobby: Cuisine
Interests: school, animals, sci-fi, paranormal, toys

Heath is now a Flamenco Master, and only one promotion away from his original LTW of becoming a World Class Ballet Dancer, which he will earn tonight. I could show you that picture too, only it's pretty much the same except for the darkness and the fact that he's standing a few feet away next to a car.

Lara took a job in Architecture, and she looks thrilled. Maybe she really did want to stay a Space Pirate. She is now a Master Architect, though. I let her change jobs, knowing that her priority is money. Promotions lead to bonuses, which mean more simoleons.

Lara and Coupon both wanted to go on a hike, but they must have found a beehive in the process. I guess that makes hiking like a little mini-vacation.

Heath decided to paint a picture of himself is his tap outfit doing Tai Chi at the gym. Of course, Lara is more than happy to give him pointers about how to paint - economically.

Apparently, Buck is not the only neglected child. I guess there were no coupons for cake this week, so they didn't get Coupon a birthday cake for her 12th birthday.
Coupon really wants to be popular, which may prove to be a challenge since Fate gave her only one nice point and her parents named her Coupon. She really hopes to find a logical, older man someday. As a secondary aspiration, she would really like money. Growing up in the Fancey house, she's learning that money is definitely a top priority - earning it and saving as much as possible.

Of course, going on a vacation would seem to be contradictory to the natures of these very frugal sims, but I guess Lara and Heath know that sims who go on a vacation live 3-7 years longer and have extra perks, and therefore they will have even more time and energy to earn even more money.

It seems that Buck was able to find some actual clothes and a suitcase.

Lara enjoys hanging loose with Coupon for a few seconds before going back to her usual expressionless self.

Heath learns hot stone massage. I don't know how he can learn anything when he's so relaxed and has his head stuck in a hole.

I think this is the first time I took a picture of the Witch Doctor trying to fix his own appliances. Maybe his previous aspiration failure had to do with a fear of electrocution.

Lara was able to get her very own voodoo doll. That seemed to make her almost happy.

And I think she went and made the macaroni herself when the Witch Doctor didn't do it. She knows she's owed a free meal, and by golly, she's going to get it.

Coupon found a hot guy in Twikkii Island. He's not old, but maybe he's logical. He's definitely stinky.

The day after they returned home from Twikki Island, Lara fulfilled her impossible want of earning §100,000.
This was due in part to her receiving a large bonus at work. I didn't take a picture of the first part of this chance card, but Lara received a §15,000 bonus for her City Hall design and for not messing up her competitor's miniature.

Later that day, Lara was able to reach the top of the Architecture career as a City Planner. This is truly a pinnacle on the metaphorical tower of her existence, as you can see by her expression of great joy.
Scoring: 1 point for adding Buck to the neighborhood, 3 points for Heath's impossible want, 3 points for Lara's impossible want. The population of Apple Grove is currently 54, with a total population of 56.
A very inspired update! :D Again I seem to have caught it not an hour after you posted it. I headed away to your blog at once as usual - out for some good laughs. I always get them. ;)
Nonikk63 said...
A very inspired update! :D Again I seem to have caught it not an hour after you posted it. I headed away to your blog at once as usual - out for some good laughs. I always get them. ;)
Thanks so much, Nonikk. :) I was worried because no ideas came to me for several days after I started writing this update.
Hahahaha, Lara is hilarious with that stoicism. Perhaps I should take up tai chi as well...seems there's some sort of magical secret going on there!
I like that in this family, the female child favors the mother and the male child favors the father in terms of looks. I always think that's fitting.
If Coupon can find a rich, older, successful businessman, I think she'll be one happy sim!
SK said...
I like that in this family, the female child favors the mother and the male child favors the father in terms of looks. I always think that's fitting.
If Coupon can find a rich, older, successful businessman, I think she'll be one happy sim!
Thanks for commenting, SK. I really like this family too. I do think it's cool that Buck is like his dad and Coupon is like her mom.
And I'm going to be surprised/excited to see who Coupon ends up with. I hope it will be really interesting. I like to use the TwoJeffs Crystal ball, although the matchmaker occasionally comes through with an interesting choice.
Great as always! Although I get a feeling you have some difficulties to connect with Lara. That makes it even more hilarious though! :)
jungfrun68 said...
Great as always! Although I get a feeling you have some difficulties to connect with Lara. That makes it even more hilarious though! :)
Thank you for your comment, jungfrun. :) I find it interesting how unique sims are. Some seem to have a lot of personality, and some like Lara are just kind of boring. Or maybe it's just my crazy imagination. ;)
That's such a good idea to have lessons at a community lot for people to learn the vacation specials... I never have enough luck on vacation lots to learn the specials. This family is quite awesome though, congrats on all the achievements.
Liz said...
That's such a good idea to have lessons at a community lot for people to learn the vacation specials... I never have enough luck on vacation lots to learn the specials. This family is quite awesome though, congrats on all the achievements.
Thanks, Liz. :) I may have to have some slap dance and hula classes in the neighborhood too, although all those autonomous things get annoying to watch. ;)
That house is adorable! I really should take pictures of the houses. I pretty much make all the houses in my hoods, although the starter houses are usually the same. Fellowship One has a lot more downloaded houses.
He may be lazy, but Buck is at least a nice sim in a swarm of somewhat to downright mean sims. Coupon looks a LOT like her mother.
Yeah, when Coupon was still at home I would often confuse her and Lara.
I like Buck, although his custom skintone makes him have dark circles under his eyes. He has the potential to be a good sim and not tick me off. ;)
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