In a country called The United States of Appleica, in the Great State of Applebama, is a small town called Apple Grove. Five families founded Apple Grove. This is the story of their lives and the growth of the town through 5 generations. The population of Apple Grove is currently 101, with a total population of 103.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
University: Round 4/ The Webb Kids
College was a bit dull this time around, so I had them get through it as quickly as possible with the college clock.

Last time we visited Urele House, all the girls had graduated.

Monday, December 15, 2008
The Browns: Round 4 / What's Cooking?
This my refurbished version of 130 Sim Lane from Pleasantview, available to download here. Every month MATY members pick a house from the game and fix it up, and this was November's House of Fail.

Tired of apartment living and somewhat rich from being a cult leader, Daniel Brown bought this nice home on 21 Strudel Street. He couldn't completely afford it, but thanks to Simlogical was able to obtain a mortgage.

Tired of apartment living and somewhat rich from being a cult leader, Daniel Brown bought this nice home on 21 Strudel Street. He couldn't completely afford it, but thanks to Simlogical was able to obtain a mortgage.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Hamiltons: Round 4 / That Darn Cat

When we last visited the Hamiltons, they were all still working on Forrest's Lifetime Want of having 6 pets reach the top of their careers which takes up most of their time. Dr. Watson got fired, which didn't help. Forrest was still climbing the career ladder in Business, trying to make it to the top. Beverly was spending most of her time on the phone trying to make 30 best friends, but was finally able to get an Athletic job to work on her Lifetime Want. Violet became visible again, and managed to become a teenager without getting taken by the social worker, and both Rose and Violet headed off to college.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Bauers: Round 4 / A Family Vacation
I'm going to poke fun at my real family a bit more this time - gently, of course. I can get away with it too, because there is not a single one of them that would voluntarily read this, not even Cassandra - although Cassandra would if she weren't taking care of three little kids. I think I'll be nicest to her. ;) Just kidding, I won't be very mean to anyone, because I do love them very much, and they would read my stories if I
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Webbs: Round 4 / Que Sera, Sera
Whew, I finally have a title. It's sad when the title keeps you scratching your head for ideas relatively longer than the rest of the post. :P

Clinton finds the narrowest hallway in the house, and right at the top of the staircase gives birth.

Clinton finds the narrowest hallway in the house, and right at the top of the staircase gives birth.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Fletcher(s): Round 4 / The Bachelor in Black Spandex

Charles spent a great deal of time skilling to reach the top of his career in Showbiz and working on the impossible want of 50 Dream Dates, so there is not a lot to say in this update. As you might remember, Charles earned his Lifetime Want while at college by having 50 First dates.
Time Reckoning in Apple Grove (outdated)
I wanted to be able to have actual dates for events that happen in Apple Grove like birthdays and weddings, so I have given it some thought and decided to keep it simple instead of really hurting my mathematically-challenged brain. This is relatively simple to me, and if someone else has already done it this way, I honestly didn't mean to copy and take credit for myself. Every time I look at someone else's system, my brain starts shutting down. I admire the heck out of people who have complex systems, charts and graphs. I wish I could be like them, but I will give up if I really have to think too much. ;)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Lara Fletcher: Round 3 / The Fancey Fellow

Lara is the oldest of the Fletcher kids, and the last to settle into her own apartment after college. I think living in an apartment has to go against the grain of a fortune sim anyway, as it isn't an investment to throw away money on rent, but there really weren't any available houses in her price range.

Zoe Tucker: Round 3 / Witch Guy?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sophie Fletcher: Round 3 / Witchy Woman
I'm still trying to get caught up with my blogging, which is probably why I update so frequently. I actually played up to halfway through Round 4. I'm trying to have the self discipline to not play again until I've blogged to that point, but with the game open to check information, it's so hard to be good.

Sophie finished college and her Lifetime Want of woohooing 20 sims, and is now getting her first apartment.

She is renting 11D Turnover Terrace, which is the bottom apartment.

Sophie finished college and her Lifetime Want of woohooing 20 sims, and is now getting her first apartment.

She is renting 11D Turnover Terrace, which is the bottom apartment.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The Tucker(s) 2: Round 3 / I'm Just A Gigolo
Friday, November 7, 2008
Kimberly Tucker: Round 3 / A Great Match
After college, Kimberly Tucker moved into this apartment complex. Actually, they're separate houses, which is very nice for having plenty of space and avoiding noise. Originally named Bella Donna Circle, it is now named Candy Apple Court. In the future, all the palm trees in Candy Apple Court will be replaced by apple trees, as Apple Grove is not a tropical kind of place.

Kimberly has rented apartment #1.

Kimberly has rented apartment #1.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
University Round 3: Sorority Sisters Find the Volauvent Society

When we last saw the Hamiltons, Rose and Violet had just gone off to college. Apparently, Forrest took time away from his job in business and his 6 precious cats to bring the girls and get them set up in a decent house.
Monday, November 3, 2008
The Brown(s): Round 3 / The BRC and the Cult Leader
This was my first experience playing an apartment I built. There were things I liked and disliked about playing apartments. This led to me putting a hack from MATY into my downloads folder: no20khandouts. This allowed me to move my sims back out for awhile to fix some major problems I had with what I had built. I plan to keep in the hack, and plan to ignore the moving rules of the Prosperity Challenge since there is no money to be gained by moving.

I don't really like the information panel for apartments as much. There's just not much detail.

Daniel's landlord is really creepy, and is always trying to hug him. Anyway, Daniel's sister Devan is still living at the Greek house. He considered moving back into his old tiny house, but Apple Grove had some new apartments that looked nice. They were definitely larger than his old house.

I don't really like the information panel for apartments as much. There's just not much detail.

Daniel's landlord is really creepy, and is always trying to hug him. Anyway, Daniel's sister Devan is still living at the Greek house. He considered moving back into his old tiny house, but Apple Grove had some new apartments that looked nice. They were definitely larger than his old house.
The Hamiltons: Round 3 / Holy Cats!

In order to fulfill Forrest's Lifetime Want, he needs 6 pets to reach the top of their careers. Since Beverly is always on the phone, I had her call and adopt a kitten so they would have the one more pet they need.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The Bauers: Round 3 / The Complete Family

Cassandra thinks if she stares at her long enough, Charity will get off the computer and give her a turn. Not likely.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The Webbs: Round 3 / Sorry, No Pets Yet

Shame on you, Nanny Shenene! I've been bragging about what an exceptional nanny you are, and you go and start poking passersby by like any other stupid nanny. Well, I'll forgive you this time, as Brian Tucker is trying to deflower the entire single female population of Apple Grove. I'm sure he deserves to be poked.

Clinton looks very happy about his promotion to Lieutenant. You must get plenty of donuts when you are a Lieutenant.
The Fletcher(s): Round 3 / Home Fries
I don't know if you noticed or not, but this house was completely vacant in the last round because Grace Fletcher had married Clinton Webb, and she and all her kids moved in with him. That left Grace's sister Beverly with the house until she married Forrest Hamilton. After that, the house was empty until Charles (who won the die roll against his brother Rudy) bought the house and moved back in.

Charles is working out from the moment he arrives.

Charles is working out from the moment he arrives.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Tuckers: Round 3 / Minus One, Plus Four

Martin has moved back into the family home after graduation. His LTW is to Become The Law.
Monday, October 27, 2008
University: Round 2 / Too Many Hobbies
Of course, later I realized I should have named this post "A Plague of Plaques." Darn.

Devan arrived on campus. Devan and Daniel were going to live in a small rental home until they could hopefully get into the Greek house. I see that they have both chosen their fall wardrobe from the Goopy Gilscarbo Collection.

Devan arrived on campus. Devan and Daniel were going to live in a small rental home until they could hopefully get into the Greek house. I see that they have both chosen their fall wardrobe from the Goopy Gilscarbo Collection.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Browns: Round 2 / Stacey the Stalker

I didn't know in the last round, but this girl's name is Stacey Reiner. I think you get the idea that the phone rings nonstop for Daniel. This is sadly no exaggeration. Stacey who was once his girlfriend has turned into a psycho stalker.
The Hamiltons: Round 2 / The Girl That Disappeared

Hooray, seeing eye pet! Wait, aren't you a little short for that job, kitty?
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Webbs: Round 2 / Ice Cream, Donuts, and Cake!

If you remember, Grace's four teens left for college in the last round. That leaves just the two of them, plus baby Wilson.

That gave them more time to spend alone together.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Tuckers: Round 2 / Invisibility and Boredom
I'm cranky at the time of this writing, so just bear with me. It didn't help that when I finished writing, my cordless phone fell over and miraculously (in a bad way) posted before I saved the last third of the post. Now I'm cranky and re-writing.

I think the Golden Anniversary Lifetime Want is my favorite. It's only a matter of waiting, and then picking up a phone.
And then, Viola!

I think the Golden Anniversary Lifetime Want is my favorite. It's only a matter of waiting, and then picking up a phone.

And then, Viola!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
University: Round 1 / The Fletcher Kids
These pictures are in no particular order after the first half dozen, because if I took the kind of time to do it right, then I would never write about this round. I should learn to blog as I'm playing. Anyway...

The last time we saw the Fletchers, the kids were all off to college. Let's go see how they are doing.

The last time we saw the Fletchers, the kids were all off to college. Let's go see how they are doing.
The Browns: Round 1 / Home Alone

It's been over a year since the disappearance of Daniel, Sr. and Deanna Brown. Little Devan doesn't remember them very well. It is presumed that they were killed on their second honeymoon in Europe, either in a skiing accident, or they may have been trampled at a "football" game by crazed soccer fans. No one really knows for sure.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Hamiltons: Round 1 / Pound Purries

Rose started out with no wants, but on the bright side also had no fears. Without any goals or ways to gain aspiration points, I had her do what I have most sim kids do - study cooking. That way she can bake all the muffins she wants without burning them. Eventually, her wants and fears came back, which was a relief.
Friday, October 17, 2008
The Bauers: Round 1 / Similarly Different

Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!
This would look a lot more natural if they were lying on some grass - better yet, a bed. I love my husband, but I'm not about to snuggle with him on gravel and concrete. So yeah, if this were real life, someone would have to have pushed me down for me to be realistically lying on the hard ground. Scott would have to be under a car.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The Webb(s): Round 1 / No Longer Lonely, No Sirree!

When Clinton Webb moved into his house, he had nothing - absolutely nothing. No money, no furniture. You get it - nothing. He realized too late that he had bought more house than he really needed and had nothing left for essentials. Even when Mr. Humble dropped off a free computer, he didn't have anywhere to put it or anywhere to sit. So, he was very glad to meet the paper girl, as it gave him someone to talk to and killed a little time.
The Fletchers: Round 1 / Growing Up and Goals

Finally it is the Fletchers turn. Beverly (red hair, red pajamas) is a popularity sim has a Lifetime want of owning 5 top-level businesses, so she opened a venue in their basement where other sims come for entertainment. Actually they usually come over and smustle themselves stinky out on the lawn. What was weird was that Beverly's Lifetime Want seemed to have changed auto-magically. I could have sworn the first time I checked she had wanted to be a Space Pirate. I thought maybe I was remembering wrong, but as it turns out, Beverly is just an indecisive sim who doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up.
The Tuckers, Round 1 / First Love or... Old Wrinkly Love!

The Tuckers arrived in Apple Grove and hung out on the sidewalk until I suggested they go inside and take a look around.
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